Beta Test Impressions for New Stellar Phono Preamp!

So I have been breaking the SPP in using a set of attenuating reverserse RIAA cables and 33k ohm dummy loads that I made, this is fed from my Sony Tuner which I purchased specifically for component run-in. I have a Day Sequerra FM Refernce for real FM listening :slight_smile: Out of the box the SPP surprised me a bit, it sounds good from the get go. I now have 125 real music playing hours on the SPP.

It definatley started sounding better at 50 hours and again at 80 hours. At this point the overall difference from new I hear is a slight bit of roughness I heard early during vocal crescendos is now absent. The soundstage has improved in width and the overall sound is very reminiscent of my Luxman EQ 500.

My system is complex and a little different. I designed and built over a four year period my main speakers. They weigh 205lbs each and are a three way active design. I amplify them with a set of Acosutic Reality Thaumaturges ($25k), a Reimyo PAT 777 ($27k) and a Graaf Modena OTL. The rack is the Bassocontinuo Accordeon, my pre is a Wyred 4 Sound STP E. I replaced my MFA Ref and MFA Baby Ref TVC attenuators with the STP as I thought it was more transparent although the Music First Audio units were exceptional which is why I owned both of them at the same time. I use an AMR DP 777se dac, an AMR CD 77.1 modified with a Philips TDA 1541 Double Crown chipset.

My turntables are a Garrard 401 and an Artisan Fidelity NGS with a Kuzma 4 Point and modified Technics EPA 100 mk2. The phono stages consist of an AMR PH 77 with Bendix 6900 tubes and a Audio Magic Ultimate SHD Bees Was fuse which I have found to be head and shoulders above all others I have tested including the SR Blue fuses. The second best fuse I have heard are the AMR MKII Gold units.
My Luxman EQ 500 has been upgraded with Pavane Black Treasure (4) MKII 12ax7’s, 2 Bugle Boy NOS 12au7’s and NOS EZ81 rectifier along with an Audio Magic Bees Wax fuse.

I know this is a LOT but I wanted to do justice to this review and I wanted you to know my listening experience :slight_smile:

I have placed an Audio Magic Bees Wax fuse in my SPP and while I feel PS Audio did choose a decent stock fuse, it does not compete with the Bees Wax fuse for sound quality nor would I expect it to based on my experience with that aftermarket fuse.

My favorite phono stage is the AMR PH 77 and then the Luxman EQ 500. They are both large sounding, very dynamic and have huge soundtages and a gravitas that simply must be experienced. They portray a tactile sense that very few stages, I have heard can match.

The Stellar SPP sounds JUST LIKE my Luxman minus the tube magic. It does sound tube reminiscent:) and it is definatley NOT embarrassed. The SPP doesn’t have the corporeal power or presentation of the big tube units but it sounds fantastic In it’s own right. It is one of the best sounding solid state units I have ever heard and that includes the Dan D’agosino Momentum Phono Stage. I have heard the Pass XP 25 and that one simply left me unmoved and actually I wanted to simply turn it off, the SPP has a beautiful musical flowing quality to its sound. A great deal of what I love about my AMR and Luxman. I listened to the unit with my Calamightly Sound modified Denon 103.3 (micro ridge stylus, boron cantilever, malachite body, silicon damper and angle adjusted SRA) and my London Reference. I did side by side near real-time comparisons with my Luxman and AMR. Yes the more expensive units are better but again, the SPP is impressive and defiantly held it’s own.

I wrote James and told him PS Audio should be PROUD!!!

I am impressed and that is simply not easy to do at this stage of my audiophile path.

Bravo gentlemen for making one of the top 3 SS phono stages I’ve heard, the others being the SPL Phonos and the iFi iPhono 2 although the SPP is better than the iPhono but at 5 times the price I would hope so:) The SPL Phonos just does things dynamically with the London that I’ve not heard another stage do.

This is a golden age for phono stages when a company can build something that sounds as good as the Stellar at that kind of price. Build wise, sound wise, I actually don’t know how they pulled it off.