BHK Preamp tube rolling

Paul, thank you for your response to my inquiry about the extent of the tube issues and the overall customer satisfaction with the stock tubes. Your personal testimony and statistical information is compelling, along with your advice to take the forum comments with a grain of salt. Having said that, I do appreciate the sharing by users of both good and bad experiences, and I totally understand the “hardcores” quest for perfection, being no stranger to tube rolling myself on other tube gear and hearing the subtle differences that make certain tubes shine above the others. I am glad to hear that the noise issues a few have experienced with certain tubes and with the Pre itself are not typical, and that PS Audio has been very responsive to those having those issues.

To change the subject, but still on the topic of tube rolling, it would seem to me that for those using the Pre with the DirectStream DAC that the recent revisions in the DAC software might lead some to experiment with different tubes. Going from Torreys to Huron gives a more detailed, clearer presentation with a larger soundstage and more air that some might want to enhance, maintain or alternatively subdue with a tube change. Many may have based their previous tube decision on Torreys. Is it possible the new Huron version might even make the Psvanes preferred over other vintage tubes like the Tungsram that may have sounded better with Torreys. I wonder if any of the hardcore tube rollers have had a chance or inclination to change their tube preferences following the Torreys to Huron software change. The Torreys to Huron sound change was not subtle and could very well open the door to other tube preferences for those who love to roll.