End of the run for the DMP! What’s next?

Yes. And when it starts to shake the steering wheel oscillates back and forth appx. 45 degrees at roughly 5-10Hz and it wont stop shaking until you get below 45 mph. On the way down you really cant steer and the shake is so bad that it kicks the brake pads back so the brakes don’t work very well either. The dealer thought I was exaggerating until I took him for a ride and got it to repeat 5 or 6 times. Scared the bejeezus out of both of us. After that he’s a believer but still isn’t getting much help from the big F.

Yeah, I looked it up and watched some of the videos. Appears to me to be a rather unfortunate issue embedded in the design. Hope they find a fix sooner rather than later. Where we live in CO, it seems every other vehicle is a Ford
pickup . . .

Yes he did, and that’s great. Perhaps a 1 for 1 swap? Not for me however, I’d like SACD capability.

You can’t swap out something you no longer own…

Well, a 1 for 1 swap it would have to be for me (including shipping costs), but I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen…

Well, all of a sudden… today my first cover did in fact show up :smiley:

It’s of a disc that was unknown to the DMP’s data base and I had entered all information and a scan of the cover myself into ‘My Playlist’.


As you can see, some characters are not correct in DMP’s display. My entry looks like this:


I guess, there is a way to compensate for that by entering different characters. Is there a table somewhere on the net where I can look up the necessary code?

Yeah I hope it keeps working for you. The #39; is an issue with the server on the PS Audio end. It is not passing the apostrophe but instead the code #39; which is code that represents the apostrophe. I have told PS audio Customer service about this one so far no solution. i will email Jeremy about it again. You will notice the DMP does truncate titles. This has to do with the Oppo transports inability to handle long titles. Than when the cover art shows up the space is more limited. All this stuff worked much better in the PWT. It is just something we have to accept in the DMP.

More covers show up… I believe now the problem was really only me, expecting the artwork would show immediately after it has been downloaded, but it shows up belated while the first track plays. Or so it seems to me. Anyways… not a big deal. I’m not really in need of that functionality. Most of the time, I have the display dimmed (= completely off). Only if I really need track number or timing information, I switch it on. Being able to fix those #39,etc. thingies would be great though…

Update… Barry wrote: “The artwork should show up as soon as you put the disc in, regardless of whether it plays or not. But that could be a problem that was just fixed in a beta release I did two days ago.”

Glad to hear that is working out for you. You will notice once the Cover Art is resident on the SD card it will come up quicker. The rate that the DMP downloads the cover art from the server is much slower than the PWT used to be. This is due to the serial interface that Oppo uses in the player. I can live it it though.

More accurately: this has to do with the interface between the BDT-101 board and the PS Audio board. The Oppo has no problem reading and displaying the complete metadata from SACDs without any truncation.

Did PS Audio tell you this?

Yes they did.

The Oppo would have to use a video screen or scroll long titles as I can’t imagine them having a large enough display to handle long track titles. Yes the DMP truncates even more when cover art is displayed.

Obviously I am referring to the BDT-101’s video display. None of the 10x series displayed complete metadata to the front panel LED.

Yeah, and I pointed this out 2 years ago and still no solution.

The thing that I find interesting is I do not ever remember seeing this on the PWT display.

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Another +1 for the DA 3000. I own one as well and use it for digitizing LP records. It is an essential tool, and in the almost 5 years I’ve owned it, I have never had an issue.

It’s predecessor, the DV-RA1000, is also excellent. It was Fremer’s digitizing solution of choice when it came out, dropping the Alesis.

I need to list my DV-RA1000 for sale as it has just been sitting, but I have been too lazy.

Boy am I glad I didn’t spring for one of these!

I love my DMP it is the best sounding digital source i have ever experienced in my system. Yes I had to get past the software issues but Thanks to Barry My DMP is performing the way it was intended too. It has always sounded great but when i received it with 2.06 firmware it took over 30 seconds to load a disk and than the remote was unpredictable. Now the disk loads very quickly and the DMP does whatever I ask it to. No I don’t own any Bluray Audio disks but my thousands of CD’s sound the best they ever have and my much more limited SACD collection sounds great too. I do not regret purchasing the DMP. I do regret that I paid the same price that those lucky enough to buy during the sale but i had to trade in my PWT to do that.