Firmware 2.9.3?

My PWD II shipped with firmware 2.4.3, and it’s been happy as a clam for two years now. Upon reading Paul’s assertion that 2.4.6 sounded slightly better, I bought a 2gb SD card, downloaded the 2.4.6 update, and installed it on my PWD. Seemed very easy.

Now when I tap the initializing screen to see what firmware is installed, it shows 2.9.3.

Any ideas what’s up with that?

Download 2.4.6 again. Thhere was a problem on the web site, which is now fixed.


I also have a PWD II with the 2.4.6 version installed, but I noticed that you have on the Download Product Updates a new version 2.9.3.

Dennis, is it still an error related to the problem on the web site as you refered above or you recommend to install this new version?

2.9.3 is an update to 2.9.1 with a fix for High Sample Rates on the BridgeII. If you do not have a BridgeII it is not necessary.


So with DS yale is it recommended to download & install PWD 2.9.3?

No 2.93 is for the PWD not the DS.


Thanks for your quick answer Dennis.