If I were King of the World

Absolutely, that would be my number 1 also!


Iā€™d build a 138kV power station, with the sole purpose to power a pair of building sized speakers, with everything in the chain specifically designed to power this pair of speakers and for audio reproduction quality.

In front of these speakers, rows rows of seats of course. Tickets will be Free. Earplugs will be banned. It can either host celebratory events, or used as a touture hall for rebelious slaves and my unfortunate enemies.

After the first one is build and optimized, every city in the world will have one of these audiophile/torture stadiums and with my own giant statue erected of course! Buwhahahaha.

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Iā€™ll sell you a slightly used one, but its 345kV and 1286 Mwe per unit.


" Regular concert goers judged that the best sound balance was usually to be heard from within large concrete bunkers some thirty-seven miles away from the stage, whilst the musicians themselves played their instruments by remote control from within a heavily insulated spaceship which stayed in orbit around the planet - or more frequently around a completely different planet.

Many worlds have now banned their act altogether, sometimes for artistic reasons, but most commonly because the bandā€™s public address system contravenes local strategic arms limitations treaties.

This has not, however, stopped their earnings from pushing back the boundaries of hypermathematics, and their chief research accountant has recently been appointed Professor of Neomathematics at the the University of Maximegalon, in recognition of both his General and his Special Theories of Disaster Area Tax Returns, in which he proves that the whole fabric of the space-time continuum is not merely curved, it is in fact totally bent."


Edit to change the thread title.
Now Iā€™m awake again ā€œwereā€ seems more correct, and the internet agrees with me so it must be correct :wink:


Thank you!

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A cure for tinnitus and restoration to 19.5kHz for all!


Another very good one!

All material would be produced to the same high standards and all the crap in everyoneā€™s collections would be reproduced to those same standards by the original artists (whoā€™d be fairly compensated the second time around).

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I guess if I were honest I probably should have also said that were I truly King of the World, I would immediately ban monarchies. Yes, including my own (just after I bequeathed myself a kick-ass system and maybe one new guitar)


You, like I, will probably not be watching the upcoming Coronation of King Charles the Third then :slight_smile:


Not a chanceā€¦ at all.

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If I were king I would make the Blue button on PSAudio forum go back to the home page of the forum.


If I were King, Iā€™d make the word ā€œhomeā€ light up blue when you hover over it.

Happy Cake Day Brian! :partying_face:

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ā€œDark Modeā€ it does exactly that - come over to the dark side :slight_smile:

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This isnā€™t going with the theme here but how about being King I would have my sorcerer put a spell on everyone on the planet to make them play nice and give each other the respect they deserve.

Kind of like the red light on Men In Black only to make them forget how to be mean hearted.


I understand itā€™s good to be the king.

I assumed (but decided not to mention) that the obvious stuff would be covered - world peace, end hunger, ban bubble gum, etc. etc. :slight_smile: