Was looking through old photos (2024 lol) and found this mess. No Sakra V17
Summer 1985. No Speakers. Just my Dual CS515 /Ortofon OM10
, my Sennheiser HD40, and my trusty Pioneer SX-3700 Receiver (I’m not a fan of Vintage Receivers but this setup got me through High & College. I would build a pair Speakers with Radio Shack Drivers a year later (can’t find any pics unfortunately)
My Homebrews built in 1994, pic taken Apr. 1997
Easton, PA Feb. 2005
Smiths Falls, Ontario Dec. 2007
My KEF “Period” Aug. 2020
My Bose “Phase”
Maggies…Final Audio Next Month ( )
A regular buffet of terrible cables.
But you have tubes.
Here we go… Looking like a PS Audio demo room - complete now with the latest recent addition being the FR30s! (And yes … high ceiling of 16ft down to 10ft.).
Are those ceiling light fixtures retrofitted to recessed can lights?
Yep!.. a 70’s solid brick house that came with downlights that were very poor at providing ‘light’ ! The light bases here cover the ceiling holes left by the original downlights.
A ‘win/win’ situation - getting to cover the holes with better, more contemporary lights!
And is that a doggie gate at the top of stairs?
Yep. Doggy gate! Guilty!
We have trained our 2 dogs to not come into the lounge room. Works well. We only have the gate there so we can completely block access to the lounge room when we leave them inside.
Better safe than sorry !
Now that’s what I call a change in direction. Couldn’t be much different from the Forte in signature. I will be interested in hearing your thoughts after you get used to them.
I loved the Forte’s and I think i might already miss them. But I just felt like they were too big for the space. Initially I was looking to replace them with the slightly smaller Klipsch Heresy’s, but I’d read great reviews of these Heritage Specials, so I was curious.
A buddy of mine let me borrow his Dynaudio Special 40s, and I liked the sound signature, and these HS’s were for sale locally for a good price, so I went for it. They sound great.
I painted the stands (originally black), but I’m not completely sold on the color. The swatch looked much more gold, but they appear almost green. It’s just a can of spray paint, so I’ll maybe try something else at some point. (Initially I painted them the same green as the Eames chair leather, but it was too much.)
Anyway, you can probably tell that, for me, aesthetics are as important as the sound!
I have always liked small stand mount speakers or Magnepans in living spaces and have kept a pair of Rogers LS3/5a and a pair of Magnepans in the house since 1977.
I’ve also owned some monsters over the years, but the above mentioned speakers remain in rotation because they are either small (LS3/5a), or don’t look like speakers (Magnepan).
The speakers don’t look intrusive to the interior and certainly have a WAF!
Were are those speaker cables heading to, if I may ask? Into the fire place it seems?
I built a little channel in front of the hearth to hide the cables, and then they run under the round rug, and into the gear closet behind the couch, which is accessible from another room. (Not shy about drilling holes in walls and baseboards! )
Cables under rugs is audiophile sacrilege, I know, but I don’t want a rack full of gear in the living room.
EDIT: I don’t want a rack of gear in the living room, but I do have my Thorens in the dining room. Go figure.
Not the typical solution (for an audiofile) and nicely done! The Thorens fits well in that overal picture. Congrats!