

I am a retired research physicist who spent 34 years with the U.S. Air Force (civilian) near Dayton, Ohio. In 2008, my wife and I retired and moved to Estes Park, CO, where we had vacationed for about 25 years. I enjoy hiking, photography, music, and wine. In 2008, I sold, or donated, all my vinyl, turntables, etc. and my current music collection is all digital. I am currently using iTunes (on a Windows PC) to manage my music and have about 18K tracks, which are about 99% ALAC format. I would describe myself as a beer-budget audiophile (audiophile want-to-be?). This type of budget drew me to PS Audio in the mid-1980’s, as I perceived them as very good sound at a great price. In 2020, I traded-in my HCA-2 and PCA-2 (from 2002) for a Stellar 300 amp and a Stellar Gain Cell DAC. My speakers are a pair of Magnepan 1.6QRs, which I purchased in 1998. Since going to all digital music, I have gone through three Streamer/DACs: 1) Apple Airport Express, 2) Cambridge Audio CXNv2, and recently, 3) a Rose RS250A. Interconnects are Morrow MA4s and speaker cables are Belden 5T00UP from Blue Jeans Cable.