

Retired in Sonoma wine country. My streaming-only system is pretty tweaky, but main elements are an EtherREGEN into an Innuos PhoenixNET switch, then to an Innuos ZENith MkIII via Wireworld Platinum Starlight 8 CAT6, feeding an Airlens via Wireworld Platinum Starlight 8, then I2S via Wireworld Platinum Starlight 8 HDMI into a PS Audio Directstream Mk2 DAC, then to a BHK Signature preamp via Synergistic Atmosphere SX Euphoria XLRs. From there, AGD Gran Vivace amplifiers via Atmosphere SX Euphoria XLRs driving Fyne Audio F703s via SR Atmosphere SX Euphoria speaker cables with 3 REL Carbon Subs. Two 20 amp dedicated lines with extensive power conditioning. Power cords are all SR Atmosphere Euphoria or Galileo. The system is star grounded to an SR Active Ground Block SE. Synergistic Tranquility Pods are under the amps, between the PS Audio DAC and Pre and under the Ground Block and the Nordost QB-8 MkII powerstrip. Synergistic HFTs Black Box and Atmosphere ULF field generators. Novum PMR MkII resonator. SR Purple, Pink and Master Fuses. Liberal use of Herbie’s Audio Lab and Synergistic footers. Linear power supplies from Uptone Audio.

Happy boy…