JVC QL-Y7, Gold Note PH-10, Jay’s Audio CDT3 Mk3, Auralic Aries G2.2, Holo May KTE, Laiv Harmony, Supratek Cabernet, Kinki Studio EX-B7 monoblocks, Verity Otello/Qualio IQ Ultra,(4) Rythmik F12SE, (2) Puritan PSM156 with Groundmaster City, Audio Magic IC’s and Wireworld speaker cables, Triode Wire Labs and Audio Envy PC’s, Inakustik and Tubulus digital cables, Timbernation rack.
Jays CDT2 Mk3, Auralic Aries G1 with Hoer-Wege PS, Holo Spring 3 KTE. Supratek Chardonnay, Odyssey Audio Kismet Reference, Rosso Fiorentino Voltera 2, (2) Rythmik F12G, Triode Wire Labs SC’s and PC’s, Wireworld Analog IC’s, Inakustik and Lavricable digital cables, Timbernation rack and iFi Power Station with iFi Super Nova PC.