Hales T5 speakers with Seas Millennium tweeters and upgraded crossovers as above post. Pass X250.8 amp;Pass XP-32 pre amp; PS Audio DSD mk1 modded with APS transformers, VOCM mod, Analog power supply board fed by Keces P3 LPS connected with custom Neotech 20ga silver dc cable; PS Audio PST SACD player; Auralic Aries G2.1 streamer with Hoer-Wege power supply; Magnum Dynalab MD106T tuner; Audioquest Dragon HDMI and Wel Signature AES/EBU digital cables. Keces IQRP 3600 power conditioner with Shunyata Hydra 6 isolating digital. Neotech NEP-3200 power cables terminated with FI-50 Furutech connectors. Audio Art Statement power cables for front end components; Audio Art Statement XLR ETI Kyro connectors connecting everything and Audio Art Statement bi cable speaker cables shotguns from Pass to Hales. Headgear is a Cen Grand Silver Fox headphone amp connected to Abyss 1266 Phi TC headphones with a Danacable Nirvana headphone cable. I have an Audeze LCD-XC closed headphones for more private listening. All components have SR purple fuses except for Keces IQRP 3600 and Hydra 6 which both have circuit breakers. I am very proud of this system.