My Current system consists of P-15 Power Plant, BHK Signaure Preamp, Perfectwave SACD Transport, Perfectwave Transport, Directstream DAC mk 2 , Stellar Phono Preamp, Nuwave Phono Converter used as A to D, VPI HW-19 Mk2 turntable with Souther Tri-Quartz Linear Tonearm with Ortofon Super OM30, Stand Alone Motor Assembly, VPI Synchronous Drive System, B&W 800 Matrix speakers, BHK 250 power amp.I use a Kimber Kable Hero XLR cable between all my equipment. Speakers are quadwired with Kimber 4TC and 8TC cables. I use PS Audio power cords and I2S cables between the NPC, PST, PWT and the Directstream. I use Pangea silver USB cables and the Wyred 4 Sound Recovery for the computer connections, I enjoy listening to all my sources both analog and digital. My listening room is treated with Michael Green’s Roomtune products.
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