Analog Front End includes: Merrill Heirloom Turntable (including outboard electronic speed control, record weight and outer peripheral record clamp), with a Classic Well Tempered Lab tone arm and Grado Reference Sonata cartridge, resting on a Arcici Lead Belly isolation Stand, VPI 16 Vacuum Record Cleaner Machine; Phono Preamp: PS Audio NuWave Phono Converter; Yamaha T-1 Tuner; Balanced and RCA Wireworld Silver 7 interconnects.
Digital Front End: PS Audio PerfectWave Memory Player (resting on a PS Audio Power Base); PS Audio DirectStream DAC (resting on a Townsend Audio Seismic Sink) ;
Speakers: Martin Logan Ethos; Power Amps: Cary Audio SLM200 Mono Blocks (each resting on a dedicated Michael Green/Room Tunes Tuning Board amp stand); Preamp: Cary SLP05; Power Components: PS Audio P10 Perfect Wave Power Plant (powering both amps and resting on a PS Audio Power Base) and a PS Audio P600 Power Plant (powering the remaining equipment), five PS Audio Ultimate Outlets, five PS Audio Power Ports; Power Cables: Two PS Audio AC12 Power Cords (for the powered Ethos Speakers), mixture of original PS Audio Lab Power Cords and Synergetic Research Cords; Speaker Cable: Harmonic Tech PRO 9 (shotgun configuration); Room Treatments: GIK Acoustics (Acoustic Panels, Bass Traps and Diffusors), an assortment of Townsend and Bright Star Audio Isolation Platforms