Advice please on a switch

I currently connect everything directly to my asus rtn66u router, with Sbooster power supply.

My dealer advises switches
Silent angel Bonn n8 with Forrester power supply

What do you guys think?

System is the one I just posted in the systems thread.

Thank you in advance for your input :pray:


I use an EtherRegen and I’ve been pleased, one of my friends uses cascading Silent Angel’s and he likes the results


Thank @watchdog507 . Unfortunately, my dealer doesn’t have the Etherregen, and he has helped me so much over the years that I am committed to buying from him, even if suboptimal. Maybe two Silent angels then :grin:. Does your friend use the (expensive) Forrester power supply with the silent angel switches ?

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Hi @Phil

Does your dealer allow home trials? If not, it’s a gamble. The switch will impact streamer sound quality. However, if you have something like Matrix in between your streamer and the DAC then the effect of the switch will be limited. I think you have Lumin U1 (not the mini). It should have sufficient isolation and clock management, but you could try.

In my case it helped me retain Bridge II and stop considering other streamers, though at a cost close to that of a mid-market streamer as I bought Melco S100 and added a linear power supply. All the best.

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Yes my dealer lets me try everything (components, cables, tweaks) in my system, and I will definitely listen to the silent angel and the sotm.

Nice choice with the Melco: the ultimate switch, but not carried by my dealer :cry:.

So what to do ?


He uses the power supply but it’s very expensive for what it is. I use an HDPlex 300W on my EtherRegen I also use an AfterDark Clock on mine. It’s splitting hairs, but it sounds really good.

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I owned the etherRegen and LPS-1.2 for over a year and decided it really didn’t do much, if anything, for my system/streamer for some reason at the time; this was coming from a Cisco 2960. I tried out an English Electric 8 switch (which by all accounts is really the same as the Bonn N8) and paired it with the LPS-1.2, then a Paul Hynes SR4 and I haven’t looked back. There is a subtle change in the musical presentation which I seem to enjoy quite a bit. I did listening comparisons over the course of a few weeks and kept the EE8/PH SR4 combo. It isn’t game-changing or life-altering, but it does something positive, I feel, for digital music, since I listen to a lot of Tidal, Qobuz and Internet radio.
There are lots of positive experiences with the Bonn N8. The Forrester PSU, in theory, should bring things up a notch as well. I am biased, though, in that I am a huge proponent of LPSUs.

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Correction : my dealer will have the Melco, so I should be able to try it.
And also the Innuos Phoenix Net …

Does anyone have experience with the Innuos ?

This is marvelous. It seems the Portuguese Innuos is a tad costlier than the Japanese Melco, but comes with an onboard power supply. Once you listen, you would make your choice in no time. When you try the Melco, make sure you follow the connection diagram for ports as they come in two speeds.
Edit: I suggest you read this before you decide on a switch:
Make your streaming system sing | The Ear (

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I tried the Silent Angel with Forrester. It wasn’t convincing, but the culprit was probably the Ethernet cable, which was not at the level of the 3 WW Platinum I use. And the gear was new and cold from the box.
I will let it warm up and get a better loaner Ethernet and then try again.
My dealer is also sending me the sotm.
Then the Melco later this month, and the Innuos Phoenix in August or September.

I am a bit skeptical about the impact of a switch, but we will see.

Lucky man. May be you could write one of those articles reviewing a bunch of switches in the September issue of your local hi fi magazine.

Your system may or may not benefit from a high end switch not because of cables, but because of the calibre of your streamer and the addition of Matrix.

Before buying the S100, I was close to ditching Bridge II, especially with all the negativity surrounding it. That has changed. Bridge will stay.


I kinda did, though likely not as eloquently or enthusiastically (e.g., included with insane amounts of ‘puffery’ and superlatives) as any hi-fi feature article writer, and really only compared a few within a resonable price-point. Hopefully it’s okay to post; if not, my apologies.


Thank you @jsawyer09 for sharing your experience. What you have written is / was quite interesting. I am also glad others found it interesting and useful :+1:t2:


Thank you, Serhan. I appreciate that. I hope it is of some usefulness to others if/when trying to navigate the audio-grade switch dilemma. So often these conversations degrade when it comes to improvements, be it via cables and switches, especially; but I found many to be quite open to constructive feedback of experiences between the above. I value everyones’ opinions of how things affect a given system, as they’re all so unique, as is one’s room interaction, so it’s no wonder all of these work for some and not for others. It really does become a ‘suck it and see’ proposition in this hobby.

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I have very limited experiences with these switches as I have only tried one. After hearing so many including Stereophile say so many positive things about the EtherRegen, I tried one and I have to say, it did make a considerable difference in my system. When I plugged in a memory stick to the USB of the server, and with the same recording on my NAS, streamed to my server , it sounded clearer more live with the memory stick into the USB. Adding the EtherRegen brought the NAS sounding closer to the USB. Adding the tricked out Farad to the EtherRegen more or less evened the score. Changing the generic ethernet cable from the EtherRegen to the Esoteric N-03T with the WW Platinum Ethernet 8 tip the scale. Now streamed music from the NAS has the advantage over straight memory stick in USB connection. I recently took out the EtherRegen to see if I was imaging the improvement of this switch and no way, the sound collapsed quite a bit without the EtherRegen and the Farad.
So in many cases these switches does show some benefits depending on how and where it’s used.




Update :

1/ the Silent Angel was not a good match in my system. It actually made things worse. Maybe I got a defective one.

2/ the SOtM, on the other hand, improves my system. Not night and day, but slightly better.

Next step : compare the SOtM to the Melco and Innuos, when my dealer gets them. It might be awhile.

I am really fortunate to have such a great dealer 20 minutes away. I count my blessings every day.

So who votes for SOtM, Innuos or Melco?

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There is also this one though too rich for my blood.

There’s a Naim forum thread that loves the old Cisco 2960 series 8-port no fan Catalyst switches because of their port isolation. Folks there say this Catalyst series sounds better than the audiophile switches and the consumer switches with the wall-wart power supplies. I have no experience with these Catalyst switches or the audiophile ones, but I’ve got a used Catalyst coming soon. I can report back.

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Please do !

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