Backing up Digital Music Files

I have my library backed up on 3 USB drives. I don’t use NAS, but the main point is whatever storage solution folks on the forum choose you can bet a paycheck it is deeply redundant. Storage is cheap, rebuilding a digital library with hundreds of albums in it … I don’t want to think about it.


Same for me. No NAS but 4 EHDs ranging in size from 1TB to 6TB. The 1TB is the original backup from my old Olive O3HD that has almost 900 CDs on it. The Olive was a Linux based system. The other 3 are PC/Windows based. Tried to make it all as redundant as possible.

In addition to my music, as a hobby photographer I have terabytes of music and images. I use a combination of Synology NAS’s, one at home and one at the office (49TB there). And as a disaster recover plan I use Amazon S3 and Glacier. Its really crazy to think that there is a chance I eventually use all of that storage one day. My first PC had 256kB of ram and 2 5.25" floppies.
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I maintain 2 sets of drives at house. I prefer having a backup offsite in case of a catastrophic issue, so I use Backblaze for that. It is really cheap insurance. If you have corrupt files, you could download files from Backblaze.

If a drive failed, downloading probably would take too long for a drive for full of files, but they can also overnight you a hard drive with your files. They give you the option to buy the drive or just return it.

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