Short update: I’ve spent the last 3 weeks burning in, then listening, to 3 different sets of tubes.
NOS Amperex “Bugleboy” 12AU7 - very nice all around, with a neutral, yet liquid tone, most depth of soundstage with the best air in top end I’ve heard yet ; Also the best bass control of the 3, yet does not quite hold deep sub bass of the PSVanes (have 120 hours on them). Row 12-14 of 20
JJ 12AU7 - missing the mid bass depth/warmth, middle of road soundstage, neutral tone, resolving, but a bit too thin overall. good top end, but not super organic and missing some of the “airiness” and warmth of other 2 but did nothing really wrong. Row 8-10 of 20
Genalex Gold Lion 12AU7 - Warmer, more laid back and “velvety” type sound - full body, but almost too liquid, missing resolution of first 2 given my setup. A little too laid back given my current setup. Row 16-18 of 20
I really wish the Amperex had the deep bass of the PSVanes… with 120 hrs, I’m going to stick with them for now and hope they continue to open up. I really like them, however sub bass is big priority for my system. I ended up moving my speakers a little closer to the wall for now to make up for the lost bass below 30hz
@brett66 I think I’ll order a set of the Sylvania/Conns next from your recommendation and check them out.
Great painstaking review thank you sir!
Now please give these a go…
Well worth the price and these are the real deal nos teles…don’t let the
price stop you…when these are gone they will be gone for good …
On another web site “people with where with all” decried the price…
meanwhile I said forget the torpedos full speed ahead…and got some
not 12au7s but 12at7s for my classic Mac…the Siemens triple mica
12at7 is now an “unobtaniums”…
The plain 12au7 will be “sweeter” with good detail and bass.
While the ECC802s will have more detail and definition without
being thin sounding…I strongly believe that this performance
very closely mirrors the 12at7 counterpart…the nos Telefunken guys
were very fastidious in quality control and uniformity across
their product lines…there is an article somewhere describing just that…
I’ll be interested to hear how they compare. Also try the mid/late-50s CBS-labeled 5814WA, if there are any more available. They are my current favorites.
I’ve not tried the Bugleboy but I have the JJ and agree with your assessment. I have the Genalex in my new BHK 250 and they sound really good but of course it’s not run-in and I’ve not rolled yet.
Looks like tube depot is out of the Telefunken. I’d hate to fall in love with an unsustainable sound but then I guess I’d rather love and lose than never love at all.
I’ve used convolution filters for a few years that have slightly different bass curves applied to make up for tubes that are too tubey or those not full enough. Works very well.
Ok but I wouldn’t characterize how they ran in my BHK as hot for any tube. I could touch them after 5 hours to remove them with little cool down time but then they broke my BHK so…all bets are off.
…and now we all know running 6SN7 will over tax the BHK voltage regulator current spec.
Hey Brett66…wow hard to imagine that both Teles are now “unobtaniums”…
Somebody musta’ read my post…ha and got’em all…hard to imagine…
If you are able to obtain them and really enjoy them…no worries
they will most likely outlive your gear and maybe you… I have
teles that came from my vintage 1960s Fishers that I acquired in the 80s with who knows how these were treated…the receivers themselves
played well 1 of them into the early 90’s and the other one till about 2006…
The Teles pulled from them are still very strong alive and performing strong…in my classic 60’s McIntosh MX110z (it now needs refreshing
so sidelined for now) until a year or so ago 2019 ish…these old Teles
lifespan have proven to me that they will last a long long time…
These are not like today’s short lived tubes…I have some of them myself …
Brent Jesse Recording is a quality no nonsense source if you should
like to look them up:
Thanks for the tip of the Raytheon tubes, I’ve ran about every type of 12au7 family and brand of tubes. The pair of Baldwin 12au7s I put in the BHK Pre about a week ago are the best sounding ones I’ve heard.
Shivers up the spine is what’s it’s all about, no?
I swapped to a vintage Sylvania made for Baldwin organs from 1958 CBS-labeled 5814wa military 12AU7. The voices are more forward in a good way mostly. Ruth Moody sounds great but Filter not so much.
It’s funny we complain when we have too many options!
I have to remind myself to wait until they are cool before swapping…tiny filaments are far more vulnerable when close to working temp.
Breaking in new preamp input board and BHK 250 amp with my system standard '58 CBS 5814WA for the past 300 hours.
Swapped to a CONN labeled 12AU7 with ~1000 hours that one has gone noisy. Sylvania Baldwin-marked ones sound pretty good but only have 40 hours on them. I like them after 100 or so. Vocals super clean and forward.
What a great time in life to be ‘confined’ to the house plus it’s blistering hot outside so I have to stay in my main room and listen to music for hours and hours.
The CBS tubes just arrived and Raytheon’s are on the way, per your recommendation (I’m still looking for Tele’s that David shared)… I’ll get the 5814s in this weekend.