Getting Oppo DSD Output to the Direct Stream Dac

OK long time coming, I’ve been experimenting and using a Sony BDP - S6700 for a DSD output Blu-ray player. A used Oppo player still commands a premium price. I have an HDMI to I2S/IIS HDMI over I2S board which came with a white cable that fitted the I2S output socket on the board. After searching eBay I found a small companion I2S - HDMI module ( which when mated with the I2S input on the module gives you the option of switching 2 of the 6 pins on the cable to correct the L + R channel reversal at the HDMI output socket thus solving this nagging problem of the channel reversal that occurs during DSD playback.
A few caveats: the module only outputs a DSD signal at the HDMI socket, no PCM. For PCM use the HDMI socket on the IIS HDMI over I2S board. Volume should be way down at initiation of playback as there is still a loud static sound when the first track is played. IMO for the best sound, the board needs to be powered by a 5V DC source and the module absolutely need to be powered by a 5V DC source or there is no I2S signal coming out of the HDMI socket. Lastly, once the wires to the pins on the module are set and you’ve tested that everything works you could 1) solder all the input wires to the pins or 2) do like I did and use a small amount of epoxy putty to keep everything put. You do not want any wires accidentally coming off the pins. On the diagram below the Pin # refers to the wires coming off the IIS HDMI over I2S board, so wires 3 and 5 carries the DSD_R and DSD_L signals.
Ok, let the listening sessions of pure DSD via HDMI over I2S to DS begin.

Again thanks to everyone on this forum, I’ve learned a lot and have made some significant improvements to my DS enjoyment.