No, I do not have a link.
I downloaded it May !999.
It was titled “PS Audio P300 Power Plant*”
*Note the P300 goes to $995 on June 1, 1999
I will quote the part titled “Ground Binding Post” on page 4 of the document.
"The rear panel of the PS Audio Power Plant has a ground binding post.
This post is available for two purposes:
1) Accesssing the third prong ground easily
2) Isolating the grounds on your AC outlets and using a separate ground wire.
The binding post is a convenient tie point for a turntable ground wire, or anything
requiring you to easily connect up to ground earth as provided via the third wire ground in
your house wiring system.
Ground isolation is the ultimate for best sound. If you are in a position to properly incorporate
an outside ground stake, the binding post feature on the Power Plant can make a huge sonic difference.
That is because, unfortunately, the ground in your AC outlets has noise and hash on it just like the AC signal itself.
While the Power Plant will completely clean up the AC signal as advertised, it cannot (by law) touch the ground.
For safety sake, we must leave the third wire ground connected to our equipment.
PS Audio and the Power Plant provide a solution to this problem, by allowing you to isolate the ground on the four AC outlets,
located on the rear panel of the Power Plant (by removing an internal jumper), and then reconnecting the, now isolated,
ground binding post to an outside ground stake that you install."
End of quote.