Hifi Pet Peeves

Thinking you hear a nice difference adding an external clock to your EtherREGEN and then finding it has a switch labeled “clock - Internal External” that is set to Internal.


Thinking a L XLR adaptor made a difference for a subwoofer then realized the sub was never turned on during the comparison. I was so sure of it too!


Darko has temporarily made a manifesto the only content on the site.

I have to admit I agree with most of it.


Darko Audio Audiphile Manifesto copy


I can relate to the sentiment as well, but for the adoption/affectation of the generic “she” instead of the generic “he”. If ever there was a reason assume the use of “he” would be appropriate in a certain context, I would say Hi-Fi/music lovers is probably one of them.


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You might be surprised at how many female music lovers there are, who use a high end system (regardless of who put it together) to listen to music. Over the course of history at the recent Florida Audio shows there have been - wait for it! - more than zero women who were there to actually listen to music. Enough to be noticed as real music listeners enjoying music through high end systems. A little bit slower, but still a growing segment, at AXPONA. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice. There does seem to be some contradictions in the list.
Nonetheless, number 8 is important.
At home, sure, I listen with my system, such as it is.
Outside the house, I am happy to hear music with what is available.
So then, maybe it is not exactly, “all about the music”.
But it is all about being able to hear the music.

No. 10 seem a bit odd to me. Where is room acoustics (no. 5)?
Also, I think that once you have your system (and your room) sorted, system and setup drops of the list, no?

Yes. And that is why the quote is a pet peeve of mine.
And it seems ironic being attributed to AP since he is a maker of music.
I would assume that making good music would be something that he would strive for.

Is this because of his health issues?

Major pet peeve:
Manufacturers that keep raising prices to astronomical levels and expect consumers to keep purchasing their products.


@Paul No idea.

Maybe it’s due to him being at München for the show or site dev/rev.

And consumers do pay these prices.

Why should the manufacturer act ant different way if they are getting sales?

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The fact is that high end audio is not attracting enough younger consumers. Just think of the average age of the audiophiles on the PS Audio forums.


“Because that’s where the money is.”

  — Willie Sutton

It depends on how we define high end audio. A younger person can build a very nice system for very little money.


You echo my thoughts as well. High end audio is shrinking, but I am uncertain that there is a single cause. Pricing is one variable, as well as are competing interests.

With the correct guidance IMO.

Greg Weaver showcases a very affordable system that sounds quite satisfying considering the cost.


There are many factors and pricing is only one of them. The fact is ( based on my own straw poll) most younger people don’t care and they are satisfied with what comes out of their Iphones, etc.
I know one of the principle of a well regarded American amp/preamp manufacturer that is seeing their business shrink in the US. They attribute the sales declines to the lack of new consumer blood in the hobby.

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Of course they can. But most of the young folks I know are just not interested in audio as perhaps many are in these forums.

I understand your point and I think the problem is commonly acknowledged everywhere in the Hifi world. But at any moment in time, the percentage of population into this hobby has always been small.
In my world, I have several younger people who are rapidly becoming Hif enthusiasts.