Magnepan LRS too much for BHK250?

This is particularly harsh, especially at those busy frequencies. Even without taking into account reactive components - anyone aware of inductance / capacitance peaks / troughs here?

I think these measurements come from the Stereophile reveiw of the LRS. Agree, not an easy load. However, that same review found the 35WPC PrimaLuna and especially the sub-$5k Pass labs amp were up to the challenge of driving LRS.

We shouldn’t act like this is some impossible speaker to drive. Plenty of the competition can, and even PSA a tier down (m1200), as OP states.

All that said, incompatibilities in audio happen. Not unusual in general. Appears these two are just a bad match.

I’d love to know how the BHK 300 monos would handle them

Haha, well those 300’s are spec’d 1000w at 2 ohm with a much higher damping factor than the 250. So I think they could handle the little LRS.

Nothing like investing $15K in amplification to drive a $650 pair of speakers, but I’m sure crazier things have been done.

Maybe PSA need to buy a pair of LRS for testing!


I would be interested in what they find. Something odd is going with the LRS and the amps which go into protection mode when driving them loud.

So, I did use the BHK250 to drive a ($99) pair of crappy JBL bookshelf just to make a laugh. It wasn’t half bad.

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I am driving Maggie 1.7’s with BHK monos, no subs, no problems. Guilty as charged for not adhering to the speaker / amp cost ratios.

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I’m looking into the 1.7’s. I put the LRS with Mye stands up for sale and local pickup here in Georgia.

I have not direct compared the two but the 1.7’s should give you better base extension and they do sound better off the floor. I made custom stands that are shorter and with spikes…two features I did not like with the Mye stands. I am probably selling the 1.7’s in the fall if you can wait and are interested.

If you’re not a member of the Magnepan Users Group on Facebook, and you’re looking for more exposure to potential buyers, you might join and mention them there. There are lots of posts from people impatient with the wait time on orders.

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Any other user groups that aren’t on that horrible platform?

But maybe I should save my opinions on that for the Curmudgeon Thread. :slight_smile:

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@terzinator your post reminded me that we need to have a Minneapolis St. Paul Maggie meet up at my place. The 300’s easily drive my 20.7’s. Ironic that the little LRS is such a beast to drive.

The LRS sound great but I am upgrading them to 1.7i’s. Got a good deal in trade in…

yeah, @minnesotafats, that would be great.

I’d also be interested in having an accomplished ear listen to my system and offer up crazy upgrade suggestions! :crazy_face:

As we get closer to fall, hopefully we’ll have a better handle on the virus. (I’m not confident we’ll have the damn thing under control, but maybe we’ll learn some best practices for indoor social contact, or we’ll have widely available instant testing, or something.)

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I wonder who started that curmudgeon thread? LOL!!!

I’m blinded by rage, sure, but I didn’t start the curmudgeon thread, I swear! :slight_smile:

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I DID!!! So… I got to the point that I had to send my BHK250 in to PSAUDIO because it would not drive the LRS’s properly. Came back and worked better but still has some problems with musical pieces that have a very high dynamic range. If I was playing it loud when one of these segments came up, the BHK250 turns off and I need to reset it.

I thought you were talking about this thread!

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did you ever reach out to magnapan about this?