Modding the DirectStream DAC MKI

Up to now I have done the vocm modification, I put the Jkrichards board and external power supply. As you said, I noticed improvements at each step.

Can I also put the 50v 100uf capacitor in R8 without having changed the Sparkos regulators? Thank you

This capacitor is needed for Sparkos only

Ok, thanks so much!

I ask for information: which model of Sparkos regulator should I purchase? How many pieces ? Thank you !

there are three +5V and one +12V on the power supply board

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Very nice . Thank you very much!

Shameless plug:


Hi guys!
I had to replace the voltage stabilizers like many of you due to the Lundahl experiment and extreme heating (now I have Sparkos and bigger coolers)…I also replaced the D1-4 diodes with VSSB410S. My question is about diodes D5-D8: don’t they need to be replaced as well?

Hi Denis, do you have a link for the bigger coolers (Heatsinks) that you used.

Hi Stimpy7777

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No need, D5-D8 don’t matter - they are auxiliary



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Dear All,
As this thread had gone cold a little, the new activity reminds me that I want to encourage everybody who has already performed VOCOM mod and APS mod plus separate LPS for analog output to additionally dare to perform the power supply mods (for digital) that Anton_ss kindly had shared with us above.

I have performed them all (Sparkos regulators, Schottky diodes, better ground, etc.) and after a couple of weeks enjoying them, I am absolutely thrilled with the sound improvement over the “classic” VOCOM and APS mods alone. Everybody with only decent soldering skills and some basic understanding of electronics can do them and I assure you that they are really rewarding!

I also want to take this opportunity to deeply thank Anton_ss for supporting me patiently during my technical implementation. You are a great guy! Super competent and a great support!

Thanks so much and I hope that more people will dare to do these mods…



Hi everyone,
I totally agree with this statement. I don’t have APS but I noticed a lot of improvements after making the changes recommended by Anton. He was also very kind to me and he explained many things to me. Thank you . I advise everyone to follow his advice.
Good music


Anton’s suggestion to connect the unused 5V supply to the display board in lieu of sharing power with the main digital board is a great suggestion. It’s an easy, free mod. What I hear in improvement is slightly better imaging. My DS has XS4400 transformers, separate internal 12V supply and VCOM mods. Windom is my favored firmware. I too find Sunlight on the brighter side.

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Thanks, but it wasn’t my suggestion. Some tweaks are flying under the radar because they circulate only in direct messages between forum members.
I got this idea from @terryakhan. My gratitude goes to Terry!


I connected a separate R-core transformer dedicated to the 12V supply of the analog part (Sjostrom audio SR01) to the 230V connector J1 (near the fuses on the original power supply board). The sound is excellent but the toroidal transformer (original on the PCB) started humming - has anyone had a similar experience?

Anton, just want to say thank you for the suggestion to swap out the IEC inlet in the DSD MK1 DAC ( I have the APS transformer ver 1 with the VCOM mods) and indeed it did open it up and sounds was more dynamic. This led me to replace the IEC inlets in my digital amplifier mono blocks and the external power supply for the DSD board attachment ( which has a SR master fuse). I could not be happier. Again if anyone has a DSD MK 1 stock or modified, you are not fully hearing what your DAC can do until you replace the IEC inlet without the filter incorporated into it.
The bottom unit is from the DSD, the two in the middle is from the class D mono block amplifiers and the top is from the external power supply.


Thanks for sharing your experience.

Yeah, I replaced the inlets in all my equipment as well as the wiring that goes to the board.
Now, with Furutech NCF inlets and OFC 14awg to 10awg wiring, I couldn’t be happier! It feels like you swapped to a twice more expensive power regenerator or conditioner.

Also, I’m either bypassing switches or installing better ones if I want to save this functionality.

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