Check this out. it’s at 10m 40sec.
Hi Philipp, could you send me the PDF about the direct stream Mk1 modscthat you put together it would be greatly appreciated.thanks
Please send me a DM with your e-mail, and I’ll happily share it with you.
Hi Philipp, quick question do you know what type and value of the factory resistors used for R5 and R6 is.
No, sorry, I can’t answer this question.
But I’m sure, others can jump in and clarify this. Anyone?
Anton hi,
What are the existing R5 an R6 type, manufacture and spec?
Also what is recomended? That is to reduce DC offset.
Thanks for all your input on the Diode mod, existing voltage reg use and just insight into Mods much appreciated.
I have to say I have the transformers installed, all the power supply mods except the separate 12 volt supply awating the board and transformer to arrive, caps for the VCOM mod and the 5volt Sparko reg, that said the improvement is just incredible just incredible. I had two issues, the power supply went into sleep mode because of some faulty shorting plugs…once I figured out the issue its been just fabulous sound out of this DAC.
Hi Harry,
I’m glad mods work for you!
My understanding is that the quality of the stock resistors is good enough for the DC voltage divider because they’re not in signal path.
I haven’t heard anybody have a significant offset. And even if someone had, I don’t recall anyone who shared what they did to correct it. But I could have missed that information.
Personally, I didn’t have any offset, so I never looked into this.
Hi Anton,
That is great news about lack of offset!
A second question, I heard comments about issues with tantalum capacitors failure mode of direct short and damage to associated circuit components (I think Ted mentioned it).
With Tantalum capacitors being used for the VOCM mod, have you heard of any failures?
Alternative types of SMD capacitors that can be used for that mod is your sandwich of various types, is it tough to implement?
Do you stack them all together and heat flow once? Does the order make a difference?
The sound from this DAC is just incredible and I have yet to load Snowmass not sure which version though. For me it’s the tonality and the layering of the sound field it’s so holographic, the ability to convey the subtle nuance in voices is just amazing!
Again, thanks for all your insight!
Yes, there’s a difference with my sandwich vs. Tantalum SMD. In the case of Tantalum, many reported low frequencies boost while no change in other range. In my case, everything cleared, gained more focus and depth, became more holographic without tonal shift. And it makes a perfect sense: each capacitor type/value works best for specific frequencies. A sandwich of different types/values of capacitors covers a wider frequency range than a single cap.
It wasn’t too hard to implement it, soldering wise. Stack the capacitors (ceramic one closer to R - this matters), solder the assembly, place on top of R, and touch with iron.
BUT the most important part is to support this system. You can’t lay electrolytic caps on top of other devices. And you can’t leave them standing upright unsupported. You have to brace it to avoid: 1) microphonics, 2) ripping off resistors together with traces. This part is tough. Hence, nobody did it.
Hello guys. So is there modifying thread yet for the DS Mk2?
Thanks for the reminder! I’ve done a relatively straightforward change on the Mk2 now and it’s rather massive. I’ll see about updating in the Mk2 thread.
The Mk2 digital processing/DSD creating is really a large step up vs the Mk1, as was promised. And that is really audible now. It’s truly a world class sounding device now.
And that can be readily heard in all its glorious splendor via some amazingly transparent amp and preamp gear too. I’ve been working very hard on all that; it’s my passion. The mk2 can really strut its stuff without downstream electronics imposing their grunge on the sound.
As can now also be heard the true glory of the amp and preamp finally, with a really amazing source driving.
Still using the regular ol’ Kanta No3 speakers. They are very organic/natural sounding with the flax cones and I’m much about organic naturalness. I find other Focal with other cones to be not so much so. My listening brain demands it to not reject what it’s hearing. The Kanta No3 are quite capable IME.
Lately I also use a pr of Micro subs with it, and I really like the design approach of dual opposing cones in a sub. That’s how I would do it. They blend better and draw ~ no attention to themselves (can hardly even feel they are running!) and I won’t be going back. Love them and the dual Rels are sold.
But I also use some DIY pure silver ribbon speaker cables in tubing, and these continue to put down all other comers. So be it, I say. They are transparent as h-ck and amazingly out of the way and seem to commit no evil that I can hear.
Other inter-cabling is in a bit of flux lately but I do have a pr of the new Audience Front Row Beyond in there. And a 2nd pr is arriving here soon. I’m partnered with Audience BTW. The cabling is vitally important at this level, with other things the h*ck out of the way. Essentially it ~ somewhat dictates the results.
So In the Mk1 we ultimately hit that DSD creation/processing power limit with it, after we got the analog portions as out of the way as we could. About as much as can possibly be done IMO. That pretty much left the sonic limit as the created DSD stream itself.
I think many don’t realize that the DSD stream actually is the analog music already. I didn’t either until the Mk1 deep dive journey. I mean, the analog music is in the stream already and no external d/a conversion occurs per se. The “d/a conversion” occurs in the processing, in the creation of the DSD stream itself. Ie, we could literally feed the raw DSD stream into the preamp and we’d hear… music! Without a DAC I mean. Of course it would have some unwanted aspects along with it as well, ie the high speed DSD aspect, but that is ~ easily removed.
But honestly I really don’t want to take on another huge mods task for the Mk2. These are large efforts and I’m not getting any younger and I want to spend more time enjoying the music. And I don’t the the mk2 requires a big project to get stellar results, especially now.
BUT I do know from experience that the Mk2 would also likely benefit amazingly from a “Studio” output stage transformation, as its AD81xx based OPS is similar to the Mk1. And that knowledge/experience can’t be un-heard In other words, ultimately it also has a very similar “cork” in its output. But I think we can stop with this 1st change. At least for now, never say never in my case I guess sigh lol
But thankfully it’s glorious already.
Before I manned up and made the Mk2 change I also ordered 3 other DACs the last week or so; I was in sort of a “we still need better sound” crisis (thus the cabling thrash too). Had I changed the Mk2 before I would not have ordered them. And one is already here as of a few days ago and tossed aside already, it’s a toy compared to what we need. In fact that experience really drove me to say the d@mn the torpedos, d@mmit, I’m going in to the Mk2 now to just make the d@rn change I want. Pardon my French please. And I knew it would change but it turned out to be surprisingly large. So that bad experience was a good thing in the end I guess Funny how things work sometimes.
The other 2 will be here soon and we’ll give them a full chance. They’re both high caliber R2R and should be pretty good I think. But we’ll see.
-Also, I’m planning on being in the bay area in the next few months to have an overdue sonic hoedown and throwdown in DW’s latest super system (he lives near Berkely now). He has top cabling, digital, speakers, amplification, etc. I plan to ship the latest super amp project there, and the Mk2 now with its change and maybe a new preamp project as well so we can put these into the mix and see what happens. He also still has the amazing Studio Mk1.
-I think it might be even more awesome if maybe we could have an interested PS Audio DS Mkx forum user or 2 in the area come join in the fun as well?
PS I was so moved by the experience I literally marked my fridge calendar in sharpie on 03/03/25 with “The day the music was unleashed!” lol…
Of course no disrespect meant via this wordplay to the Big Bopper, Buddy Holly and Richie Valens, RIP.
PSS- and please feel free to take a bow Ted- well done sir None of this occurs without your efforts.
As always, YMMV. Just telling it as I see it.
Thinking maybe I’ll add a couple of video clip links. Just some quick cellular clips. But if one bothers to listen, please take a moment and get a pr of headphones on.
Edit- added a clip link. Caveats- it was cranked very loud, and after a post soldering celebratory White Claw (maybe 2) This tune demands it IME
But many systems will peel your ears with it. And I’m sure the phone was probably gain leveling as well, the walls were shaking pretty good. But astonishing clarity and transparency!
Also will move a copy of some of this to the Mk2 thread where it belongs now.
Ohh snap… he’s done it now… goin’ in and lettin’ the genie outta the bottle You bad boy you. BTW I had no idea the Mk2 had some wireless capability lol. The little black coax antennae thingie taped down near rhe L trafo in the picture. Guess i should spend some quality time with the Mk2 manual finding out more about it
As I said, up to now I’ve just been playing music basically and working on other things.
You’re killing me smalls…
You are very mean, posting like this but not saying what was the change you made to the Mk2. You are going to share, I hope?
The WiFi has been disabled in the MK2.
I replaced my AC IEC inlet with a pure copper one. It did make an improvement in SQ even with the new transformers I had installed which made a huge improvement. The original IEC was a flimsy PC mount stamped steel one that has each leg crimped. Not a good connection. I used 10% silver plated OFC wire to make the necessary connections. This thing sings now. I can’t possibly imagine it getting any better.