Those of you with experience with both low/medium and very efficient speakers, coupled to respectively appropriate amplification, do you feel it is really true that there is definitive loss of very low-level detail with less efficient speakers?
I understand somewhat why this might be the case, and I also understand somewhat that this can be worked around to an extent with different technologies and importantly, parts quality throughout the signal chain.
A certain Youtuber is very good at convincing people that very high efficiency speakers in a purist system is the way to go for the most natural, pleasant and distortion-free experience (depending on taste of course)
There are those very factual points why the modern direction towards less efficiency and more amplifier power is somewhat senseless, in ways.
But in terms of sound quality in most of its aspects - is it REALLY so that pretty much nothing can beat a well-designed refrigerator-sized >100dB efficient speaker with premium parts, driven by a purist silver-wired SET amplifier, etc?
(I know, I know, matter of taste… what isn’t?)
My speakers are rated at 92db…… not super efficient but in the neighborhood. My amp seems to be loafing and a bigger amp is soon come, to borrow a phrase from Jamaica.
I’m not certain I accept a generalization that less efficient speakers lose something. Maybe when underpowered which could happen. Not in this crowd though.
Audibly, you mean. By definition they lose more of the signal as heat. Your speakers lose about 99% as heat.
A 102dB efficient speaker would only lose 90% (someone please correct if this is off. Isn’t it 10^((efficiency-112)/10)*100, for the percentage?
That’s loss of energy that’s ideally meant to be transduced into sound.
The notion could come from super efficient speakers being more likely to be full range and not have a crossover, meaning no capacitors / inductors in circuit?
Just a thought
And also that very high quality drivers from the 50’s are somewhat of a holy grail in the high efficiency community - they are simply better than many modern alternatives.
(PHY-HP at this time is one manufacturer of woofers with the quality principles of that gone era, and maybe better)
Still, probably there is an audible aspect to how much of the power fed to a speaker is lost as heat. Less than 1% transduced to sound waves vs let’s say 10%… Considering a dynamic driver, it is inductive so could it be that here low efficiency would be more prone to losses in low level treble information seeing that it has a harder time passing?