I’ve seen slightly stoopid and pepper live a few times, always fun. I don’t know dispatch, I’ll have to check them out.
O.K. this is another reason this place is so special. Have no clue who any of these acts/artists are… Not a one. Now I have to go look 'em up on Roon/Qbuz-Tidal, give them a listen and see if I dig any of them. Then I’ll have to add my new favorites (if any) to my list of music to buy.
Even if the music is not for me, I’l have explored some new horizons.
No way I’m finishing this day without checking out Slightly Stoopid. Love that name…
Way ahead of you, Ron… I am playing “The Gamber” cover by “Mr. Slightly” via Roon’s Play Artist feature on my desktop as I write this.
RE: Slightly Stoopid –
'…a self-described amalgam of ‘folk, rock, reggae and blues with hip-hop, funk, metal and punk"’
-- Roon, Artists Notes
Last thread-jack post…
RE: Slightly Stoopid Update
Looks like their 2007 release, “Chronchitis” is a keeper. Adding it to my Roon library and my to-buy list.
Now I just have to figure out the best available shiny disc recording to buy it on. At first blush it does not look like there are many options.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming…
Bob Weir had them in his studio and jammed with them. It’s on youtube. They have a silly name, but they are great musicians. They also had some heist artist with them in that vid that you’ll probably recognize, but I forgot their names.
I dunno…“heist” might be the appropriate term depending on how hard core some of those “featured” hip-hoppers are.
Another band in the same vein with a name you can’t not check out…
Bumpin Uglies
Yo @kvelasco… you bag those Tannoy’s yet?
Can’t justify it yet with the wifey, but in the next 3-6 months for sure.
Translation: “Need more foreplay.”
now that’s funny!
Understood. Remain steadfast brother! Them Tannoy’s justify the effort.
(@kvelasco)…and foreplay can be fun too.