Wow. That’s the lamest ass video I have ever seen in my life. I am stunned.
It is clear who they think their audience is.
Wow…I mean…wow…
I have kids and I have grandchildren. All of them would barf during that commercial.
The Return of The Valley Girls
The Revenge of the Valley Girls
From that infomercial I’d say JBL’s advertising team lacks a certain respect for the consumer.
Guessing the sorry attempt to resemble Dua Lipa was deliberate :)))
The total outlay by JBL to a brand/marketing firm for this video is likely stunning.
" Like…I wonder if they’d be interested in purchasing a bridge I own in Brooklyn?..It’s like, toooootally awesome?.." /s
This is bad on so many levels. Obvi.
I think it’s telling that the other two women never look up from their phones.
soul crushing
Can anyone guess what the two ladies are watching on their devices?
PS Audio Forum, of course!
The future is lame, and I have seen it.
ouch… I fear for our future.
Thats the one thing this commercial was spot on about. People staring at their phones, never looking up while talking. It is sad but true how a lot of people are like that now, no matter what their age is.
I wonder if Samsung played a role in this ad?
I got no further than 1:24 before moving on.