Vintage Rogers Tube Amp - Any one have any knowledge about this?

Picked this up for $30. Can’t seem to find much info on them. Anybody able to fill my empty head with knowledge? Nice work on the wiring…

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did you try emailing

That thing is cool. :sunglasses:


Agree with @Baldy, very cool indeed!

Not much help but you might search this link, possibly find some info. Good luck, keep us up with progress if you would. Vintage British gear forum
UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration Discussion Forum (


I would call it a “barn find” stereo amp. Looks like maybe '70’s vintage?

Good idea! :point_up_2:

Happy Cake Day @pikpen!!!

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Rogers@ Rogers says:
"Not ours! Sorry. We are Rogers High Fidelity based in the US. "

I think it’s these guys, started making “British Monitors”

Put out the RD Junior stereo and mono versions in the early 60’s
@pikpen does your amp take the KT-66

106 Heath Street, Hampstead.

1947 Company formed by Jim Rogers

Maker of hifi equipment including amplifiers and FM tuners.

1970s Making the LS3/5A BBC monitor loudspeaker under licence and the LS3/6

c.1975 William Ling negotiated with Jim Rogers to purchase Rogers Developments which was in financial trouble.

1976 Brian Pook became managing director. The company was a licensee for the LS3/6 BBC Monitor speaker but was struggling to maintain production because of unreliable/unavailable supplies.

1976 EGM held at 91 Ewell Road, Surbiton; Rogers Developments (Electronics) Ltd was put into liquidation; W. Ling was chairman[1]

An offer to buy the company by Michael O’Brien, a customer and audio dealer, involved retaining the Catford factory and transferring there all of the machine tools from the Sidcup factory but this was stymied when it turned out there were claims on the assets by the local authority.

Jim Pook and others bought all of the Rogers items at the liquidator’s auction, bought the Rogers name from the receiver, leased the factory, renegotiated the BBC LS3/5A licence and started the business again with support from Michael O’Brien - see Rogers International (UK)


Thanks John, that looks like a step in the right direction!! :smiley:

Ooh did you find two? If not I kinda like mono sometimes :slight_smile:

Braindump from my younger days -
They look 60s vintage to me (poss even late 1950s), the lacing on the wiring looms def look that sorta vintage as does the casework.
Two valve base sockets on the back would likely have been power to a matching preamp.
I never had any Rogers but I did have a pair of Beam Echo DL7-35s - EL34 “Ultra-Linear” based design (possibly predates the Williamson design?).

Probably around 450 volts DC HT supply and at least some of the capacitors will be shot (including the big buggers next to the transformers).
Interesting to see the variable pots exposed to the user, possibly for bias adjustment?

I’m going to guess (given it’s British) at 2 * EL34s, ECC83 phase splitter, EF86 input stage, and GZ34 rectifier.

Love those old Bulgin mains plugs! (Doubtless illegal for mains nowadays)

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Hi, this appears to be a Rogers Williamson Amp. Datecodes on parts may be able to identify it better, but is likely a Model D or later. It is likely after circa 1953, due to the noval’s (are they 12AU7’s ?) and the Hunts datecode TWI (which is either 1953 or 1954). It is prior to Dec 1955, when Rogers became Rogers Developments (Electronics) Ltd.

The Partridge output transformer should have a model number (?).

Ciao, Tim

PS. Partridge output transformer is T/P3064 with UL connections.


Thanks for the input Tim!

Just restoring a Rogers Williamson myself :grinning: , although a few years earlier and with a WWFB and individual L63/6J5 triodes.

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