What do people with excellent hearing think of your sound quality?

Of course.

Keep in mind the word was used intentionally, for effect - not to offend you.

“I can’t get no satisfaction”, written correctly, lacks impact as “I am unable to obtain satsfaction.”

If my post bothers you sufficiently, let me know and I will rewrite it. Otherwise I suggest moving on.


Just as a maybe last word on this topic and just for the records: as a non native speaker I indeed understood it as intensifier but looked it up if it has a somehow different meaning than „regardless“ to be safe. Funnily on DeepL, the translation showed 1. that it exists and 2. that it translates the same as „regardless“. The reverse lookup of the translation of its meaning into English showed that only „regardless“ is used, not „irregardless“ as even just an option, so „irregardless“ indeed seems to have a special status :wink:. I enjoyed the side topic.

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No your post doesnt bother me at all

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I am not offended. Not until you called me righteous, and the forum guidelines call for no name calling.
My apologies if you feel I have harmed you.

Language is fascinating. I’m glad this gave you an opportunity to dive in. It is a delight to learn.

And I like “funnily.” :slight_smile:

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So here is another funny one “ish” er ishy as in more or less
approximately… :slightly_smiling_face:

Best wishes


That is sort of funnyish


I extend invitations to many to come listen. Only 2 people who are not associated with this forum, and two people from the forum come listen. My wife and daughter have absolutely no interest in my setup. Not even to be nice.

I like it though.


Nobody in my family has really any interest in the sound quality of my room. They love the movies, but music is meh. I use my phone or the wife says I like youtube videos is my usual response.

That being said my I got this passion from my Father. He was a humanities / Social Studies teacher in High school. one of my friends growing up was a talented Piano player. He went to several schools on the side for training. When I moved away he stayed in town and used to come to my fathers and listen to music with him. I know my dad loved it. To this day he is a musician in NYC. Comes to CT to play once and a while.

I would love to have someone like that, but sadly most people in this hobby are far away, super busy like me, and does not have the time to travel and listen. Right now I have this new puppy and have not done much of anything else.

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For those of us who listen to acoustic music I expect we try to capture what live music sounds like.

If our hearing is compromised we would not have bright sounding systems as we do not hear live music as bright.

Audio is a niche hobby in which few have interest.
For most, music accompanies their life as a soundtrack. This is great as they are experiencing music, but it does not make for audiophiles.


Thanks. This is the same conclusion I have. I just wondered if this was true, or if us harder-of-hearing folks compensate a little without knowing it. Like Amgen, I don’t get a lot of opportunities to receive feedback from people with much better hearing.
My hearing is still fairly good (I think) but irregardless, I sometimes question how it really sounds to others.


I see what you did there. :slight_smile:

It is an interesting question.


That’s an interesting point. However, since we all have different perceptions about hearing I think the only way is to ask for help and review from different people with ages.


Well if anyone’s looking to adopt someone in the 18-35 age bracket to listen to their megabuck al-tier system, I guess I could offer my services.

Will pass all prerequisite high frequency hearing tests, guaranteed!


I doubt you’re under 35 if you know what a flowchart is !!! ):-

PS - or even 36