What Post/Thread with most activity/Posts?

Other than watching Fox news, and reading about the goings on of Wisconsin politics the local powers to be have little else to do when bored. So it is Cherry Wars. One side loading up a trebechet with over ripe cherries, while the opposing team, well you get the idea.

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Wisconsin sounds fun!

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I lied. My favorite is Cedar Crest Coconut Explosion. Mmmm.


Wisconsin has an ice cream alternative, that is wonderful, … Kopp’s and Culver’s frozen custard. Yumm.


There’s a few places on here that I’ve had the pleasure of indulging in a scoop or two.

Lemon and amaro for me.

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But is it allowed to wonder whether some contributors, as active as they are pleasant, animate several alias profiles to feed the incoercible stream of covers? ^^

Wonder away. :slight_smile:

I can only think of one member who used aliases. He is no longer here.

If you think there is something untoward going on, please let me know.

Just intuition, true or false indeed, but in no case a worry nor a problem :notes:

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