Why music ownership matters

Got any corn beef to go with the hash? :grin:

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Also as we’ve learned from Edward Snowden, the NSA records every digital transaction including phone calls from every citizen in the U.S.

Privacy is a thing of the past.

I truly don’t want anyone knowing how many times I listen to “Karl Marx Unplugged” :rofl:


What happens when nothing is politically correct, anymore?

Methinks this is a century where political correctness supersedes morality, and being legal is more important to many than being humane.

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Seems to me that we have a worldwide societal trend towards a narrowing tolerance for deviance from the official “party line” among people of all outlooks. The Year of Covid has given us hordes of rabid self appointed police of all persuasions ready to digitally dog pile anyone that minimally deviates from their perception of True Belief. I wonder where this all ends myself. I’ve got friends and acquaintances on the entire spectrum of beliefs and most seem increasingly unwilling to voice opinions that aren’t an echo chamber for dominant themes their respective preferred media outlets repeat over and over.


In a word, yup!

Streaming may have saved the industry, but is killing all but the biggest musicians.


Agreed. I have been telling everyone I know for about a year and half to stop watching corporate run TV & cable news programming. It is not news. It is just propaganda designed to gin everyone up to increase their ratings. They do not care you or our country and it is just to increase their own profit. It is a total waste of your time. I was a news junkie for a long time and I do not miss it one bit. Just turn it off.


Let’s stick to discussing music streaming.


Reminds me of Paddy Chayefsky’s Network, which unfortunately accurately predicted our times:

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Some new technologies, such as robotics, streaming, online shopping, and artificial intelligence, affected certain jobs and professions and consequently income disparities.

Will do.

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Can you explain this? I actually find myself listening to artist I didn’t even know about now. I have found quite a few new artist via streaming. I know without streaming I would not have gone out and purchased any of their music because I would not have known about them.


The only streaming I do is listening to Pandora on my desktop computer, Bluetooth speaker, and sound bar. Also have XM radio in my vehicle. On my main rig I prefer spinning CDs. When they pull the plug on the internet, and the power grid goes down, I’ll be cranking up the tunes via my backup power supply and playing my ancient silver discs.

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Again, you and listeners like you (I’m one too) are anomalies! Many of the members of our audio club are the same way: they use streaming to find new things that interest them and then purchase the music. We’re a tiny insignificant minority in most of the world though (Japan being the one exception I’m aware of.) It’s an indisputable fact that unless you’re an Ariana Grande or Taylor Swift type pop star, you aren’t going to make a living via streaming income. This isn’t directed at the OP, but I get so tired of hearing the rationalization that “the record and radio industry has always screwed over artists so what’s the big deal?” This is retrograde thinking that excuses continuation of bad corporate behavior and mires the world in endless cycles of exploitation. Most of us have moved or are moving past that mindset in other areas of life. Of course, the problem is much larger than the music industry. Large corporations dominate the distribution of ideas, media, and goods to the competitive disadvantage of content providers in every sector.

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Only a very small percent of people buy music anymore, so an artist’s revenue from that is next to none. And unless they are big, they are netting next to nothing from performing.

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Please help support this extremely talented musician who has lost his ability to earn a living.
Check out his videos, his guitar playing is amazing.

Unable to preform with his band in traditional venues, he has resorted to playing on street corners for donations and PayPal tips from his youtube admirers. Now the Canadian authorities are taking away his only means of earnings a living and threatening to impound his gear.
This really breaks my heart.