Would like to have more octave releases on vinyl

just wondering if octave records will continue to release recordings on vinyl. i know that it is more expensive and the pool of buyers is probably rather small but… i have every recording that was offered on vinyl and i do listen to them fairly often. i may end up getting into dsd but love my vinyl!


I don’t believe Octave Records will restart cutting vinyl records anytime soon. “Never say never”, but it is very unlikely. I already inquired about the same thing with Octave Records Executive Producer (Jessica). Bottom line, not enough vinyl sales to justify continuing records production, most unfortunately. Large inventories remain in their warehouse.
I don’t have the “golden ears” gift, but it is obvious to me that the vinyl records produced by Ocatve Records has that added magic that digital just can’t provide, I don’t care how many million upsamplings, clocking, or whatever DSDs and DACs can do, they just can’t reproduce that analog vinyl “magic”. Sorry Paul :slight_smile:
I have done the comparison. I own Octave’s DSD SACD recordings and their vinyl equivalents. For me, the vinyl sound is noticeably warmer, more pleasant. Don’t get me wrong, the SACDs are amazing, I love them, and that’s where I do most of my listening, mainly for the convenience it provides, but there is just thas magical sound that only vinyl can reveal, that is missing from the digital sound. A decent enough analog system is needed though, but it need not be crazy expensive. For example, my analog system is comprised of Technics SL-1210 GR turntable with Hana-SL MC cartridge, and PS Audio’s Phono Preamplifier (total of about $5K). My digital rig is PS Audio’s SACD transport, Onkyo DX-C390 6-CD changer (the convenience part, though it really sounds good! I wish PS Audio eventually makes SACD-changer transport, hint-hint Paul), and the Airlens ($7K excluding the Airlens). The command center is PS Audio’s Stellar Strata Integrated Amp.
Going back to the part of continuing to press vinyl, given that renewed and growing interest in records, more and more audiophiles are getting into vinyl or going back to vinyl, I would like to suggest to Octave to conduct a survey every now and then to see if there is increased interest in vinyl among their family, to inform their decision whether it would be justifiable to resume vinyl productions. It’s worth a try. Thanks!


Thank you for the reply. Good to know that this came from Jessica.

This always brings me back to the question. We had it right the first time, vinyl. The goal of digital is to sound as good as vinyl. So we spend thousands to get to the sound we already had. Why?

I disagree with the premise that the goal of digital is to sound like vinyl.


That’s a good point.
In the early days of digital development, “analog” or “vinyl” were most often the key references.
But now it seems that high end digital have found their own superlatives such as “life like” or “realistic”.

And there are plenty if folks who are VERY satisfied with their digital setups and have zero desire to buy vinyl.


I am putting together an analogue system as my reference system. There are too many little things that can go wrong in digital.
Vinyl: phono, phono stage, preamp and amp
Digital: Source, (maybe)buffer/Reclocker, (maybe) master clock regenerator, DAC, (maybe) tube buffer stage, preamp and amp. (most of these items possibly need software maintenance to sound their best)

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Whatever you like best…to each his own.

But I take exception to your premises* and I believe one can take as complicated an approach as one wants, whether one puts together an analogue- or digital- based system.

*There are no more “little things” that can go wrong with a digital front end then there are with an analogue front end; and you don’t need anything more than a DAC, preamp and amp to enjoy digital sources of music. Just like you don’t need anything more than phono amp, preamp and an amplifier to enjoy analogue sources of music.

That said, the sky is the limit (budget, tweaks and gizmos wise) on how complicated an approach you want to take in selecting and setting up your sources (e.g., turntable, tape deck, server or streamer).


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I don’t mean to knock on digital. It’s just that you have to spend sooo much money to make it sound as good, or better or more realistic than analog. It just shouldn’t have to be this way, IMHO.

It is akin to manual v. automatic car transmissions. Buy what you happen to prefer.

I wasn’t trying to say anything negative about digital. I have a digital set up in just about everywhere except my office. The convenience of streaming is nice and finding quality recordings is much easier today than just a hand full of years ago.

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No worries…

I was taking exception to this declaration:

“There are too many little things that can go wrong in digital.”

There are all kinds of variables that go into setting up a highly resolving and musically satisfying playback system, whether it be analogue or digital centric. I just don’t agree this is a valid reason to choose one over the other.

Please do keep us informed of your 'Table set up journey.

And, welcome to the forum by the way.
