Mike Marks said Hi, I'm new to the forum, so go easy with me. I've just bought a Directstream and am extremely happy so far. I'm running it balanced straight into my poweramp but also want to be able to listen through headphones. To do that I'm using single ended outputs into my headphone amp. I've read that you shouldn't use both sets of outputs at the same time but am I right in saying that as long as only one of the amps is powered up, that there shouldn't be any impact to the sound quality? Thanks!I have my DS connected to a Levinson 502 for my main listening/theater system and then I use the single-ended outputs to a 3-way switch that I use to control inputs to the multi-room amp that drives my whole house audio. I've listened closely to the DS through the Levinson with the single-ended connectors connected and disconnected and I can't hear any difference. Not even loudness is effected. Maybe someone from PSA can weigh in but I suspect these two circuits are isolated.