Audiophile Boston?

Casting my vote for Foreplay/Longtime from the first album.
Foreplay is an instrumental intro into Longtime.
Really just about anything off that first album is great rock. Maybe not audiophile rock, but great rock.

Also, if he at all likes Supertramp, then, Crime of The Century is a great album and actually sounds pretty good too.

Oh man, how this forum has trained meā€¦

When I first read,

I thought cables - not musicians! :smiley:


I liked Boston and their ā€œsoundā€ back in the day. Tom Scholtz definitely knew his way around a studio. So much so, I purchased the CBS Half-Speed Master disc when it first appeared and relished the sonic qualities contained on it. I would think any track from that album would be an enjoyable listen through your hifi.

My brother and I went to see them on their first tour. They sounded exactly like the record; and thatā€™s all the material they played. It had to be the shortest live act of a band Iā€™d ever seen.

Sammy Hagar was their opening act and he was insane. A few years later he became Van Halenā€™s lead singer and the rest is history.

To you and @scotte1, I did listen last night to the first Boston album. I did a quick Google search to see if thereā€™s ever been a serious Most Overplayed Songs in History list, and itā€™s all over the place, but I think a lot of songs on this album certainly qualify.

From an engineering standpoint, everything seems to be well-produced for their intended audience. In other words, the soundstage sounds like a good rock soundstage should, the instruments are all captured and reproduced well, and yes, great B3! To be honest, having some experience in recording engineering from around that time, this wouldnā€™t have been a challenging one to do - pretty much place the mikes, hit Record, and let the band do the work.

But would I ever use this album to show off my sound system or seek out alternative pressings or even play it again beyond my uncleā€™s visit? Prolly not. I guess there really are great recordings that simply donā€™t need to stand out for audiophiles.

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The recording history of that first record is a little more interesting if I recall correctly.

Might be worth one more search in the Interwebs.

Hint: Not much recording of musicians in a studio was going on for that record.

Wow, what a great (short) concert story. I was recently having a discussion with someone about opening acts and the risk that they might turn out to be better with the audience than the headliners. I think choosing Sammy Hagar might have been pretty dangerous, as competitive as things were in rock. I think the best example I have of smartly choosing an opening band was when I went to hear the group CAKE back in the 1990s. Their warm-up band was a 12-piece bluegrass band The Hackensaw Boys. They were phenomenal, but what it allowed was 1) to have a really fantastic non-competitive opening group, and 2) knowing that modern bluegrass would appeal to an alt-rock audience. And they did - the crowd loved them. And 3) actually it was nice to have a ā€œchange of earā€ so when CAKE came out, we were really ready.

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Not sure I understand. Are you saying that there wasnā€™t much studio recording going on for rock groups? I think by that point, we were already having the debates as to whether it was even worth going to a live concert when the studio recordings sounded so good.

Edited my postā€¦

I see that, thanks! So I think I read where they wanted to do as much in Scholzā€™s home studio or something like that? Or did they use a lot of live material as well?

Boston (album) - Wikipedia.

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Last night I just had to listen to my Boston albums. The first three, didnā€™t know about the others until now. I did a brief sampling of those and honestly from what I could tell nothing like the band we all know. Anyways, what a time I had. Now Iā€™m feeling satisfied!


And now Iā€™ve had Boston music buzzing through my brain all day today, LOL


Years ago, my teenage daughter taught me the technical term for hearing a song in your head all day: itā€™s called an Earworm.

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God, I LOVE Crime of the Century. Very near the top for my favorite rock albums of all time. And I think itā€™s a phenomenal recording in terms of audio, like so many on A&M from that era. Itā€™s also one of the albums that falls solidly in my category of ā€œthe whole being greater than the sum of its partsā€, where listening to the entire album is so much better than just a few tracks. Not sure my uncle is a Supertramp fan, but your reminding me tells me that he is GOING to become a fan come hell or high water.

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Very good to read that you love it too.
It really is a great sounding album - Even the ripped CD copy I haveā€¦
I forgot about it for years. And when I went back to it, going through the ST albums that I knew, I was amazed to find out how good the audio sounded.

Even in the Quietest Moments is also pretty good.
Fools Overture is such a great piece.

But, if your uncle is not (yet) an ST fan, maybe start him with a few tracks from Breakfast In America? Pretty sure the most widely known album of theirs.

I think breakfast in America is @aangenā€™s favorite Supertramp album :wink:

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Oh Iā€™m pretty sure my uncle is a Supertramp fan, or at least familiar with their stuff. Itā€™s a touch younger than his prime, but I think heā€™ll be there. Crime of the Century over the years has been issued on various vinyl versions - half-speed mastered and the like - and there are some digital remasters as well. I havenā€™t done a lot of comparing - I guess once I get the music going, the songs themselves take me away from caring so much about audio details (shrug). The song ā€œDownstreamā€ from Even in the Quietest Moments is one of the greatest for evaluating whether a system has what it takes to do justice to really gutsy piano.

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Please do let us know how it goes with your uncle.

I always thought Downstream was not recorded that well. It was a real challenge for my AR turntable and Stanton cartridge back in the day, but still sounds a bit harsh as a ripped cd. Must be time for new speakers for me. Had a grad school roommate that was a pro keyboardist who played Super Tramp night and day. Talk about earworms.