BHK Preamp tube rolling

I’m new to this thread.
I see Gold Lion and Telefunken tubes being discussed.
Which one is better and should I buy 2?

Is there a step-by-step on how to change the stock tube with a new one?

I only have the Gold Lion tubes. However, they are a lot less expensive, so it may be a good place to start.

Changing the tubes on the BHK Pre could not be easier. Just turn it off and unplug the unit. Then remove the grill on the top. This will give you easy access to both tubes.


Gold Lion ECC82 / B749 / 12AU7 - Platinum Grade /Yes Cryo

Thx. Platinum /W Cryo - is the right option?

No need to change any jumper settings?

I assume I should buy 2?

I concur. Genalex Gold Lion tubes are great value for money!

I never figured out what gold grade and platinum grade are. All come with gold plated pins. As long as they’re a matched pair from a reputed supplier, they’re good.

I have been buying them from these folks:

No jumper change for these.

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For these tubes, no need to change any jumpers and you will need 2 tubes.

I bought mine at


Is this the right telefunken tubes?
If yes, they seem not to be too pricey?

I would stick with 12AU7.

May I request a link for right Telefunken model, so I can see what the price difference is? is my reliable source for buying both stocked tubes and GL. In terms of NOS tubes, I use Brent Jesses.

I will not recommend NOS for newbies because there are more fakes and old ones selling as new. GL12au7 is a great sounding tube and is more reasonably priced. Plus, in many systems GL may be favored more.


I have great experience with Telefunken made “Mazda” 12au7 in my M1200, but I prefer the Pre with GL to pair with the amps actually.

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One more plug for Brent.

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Where did you buy the Telefunken 12AU7? Also, did you find all three current production tubes were different sounding? Thank you.

They are everywhere when you don’t want them. They are nowhere when you do.

I’ve been enjoying the Gold Lions ever since I purchased them 18 months ago. Like many, I was worried about their future once the war started. It made me wish I’d initially ordered more than two pair. It seems like prices for them have pretty much doubled everywhere I’ve looked that has them in stock. That was until I shopped at The Tube Store today and bought some for around $55 a piece. Not as cheap as they used to be, but still better than double.

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I’m using 12AU7 NOS Telefunken (Mazda) silver plated only for the M1200s, thanks to @dchang05 advice, bought from Brent Jesse. I swapped the Gold Lions that are warmer and more relaxed with these Class D monos. Couldn’t be happier.
Gold Lions IMO are unbeatable for the BHK Pre, where I think I have found their definitive location.


The Telefunken NOS “Mazda” 12au7 tubes are better suited with M1200 amps than with BHK pre. Together with G.L. in pre they matched very well. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Mention of the new production, reissue Telefunken 12AU7 had me checking all my favorite sources. Sure enough, looks like unobtanium at the moment. Which takes me by surprise. Not in the dumps about it, though. Like others in the community the GLs, I have pairs of both the 6922s and 12AU7s, are the best of the New Sensor reissues by a fair margin. Not just sonically but quality control appears to be first rate. I haven’t been stuck with a clunker yet. Tightly matched out of the factory, consistently low noise, and long life. I still have my precious NOS gems, but the GLs have me set as far into the future as I can forecast. They are well worth the higher asking price among the popular reissues. shows “Telefunken Black Diamond” 12AU7’s as out of stock but “backorderable”. Don’t know what that means in practice. I believe these reissues are basically JJ tubes that test better than their average tubes.

Scroll down towards the bottom until you see the table with available tubes.