for folks who have enjoyed the Tunsgram 6922’s…how do the 12Au7 Gold Lions compare to it?
Did I read that right, the Gold Lions last sold for $900?
A matched pair of G.L.12au7 is selling at $158.81 at, which is quite a bit higher than what I paid in 2021.
thats more like it. I thought I was going crazy seeing that price.
Vintage NOS Genalex are rare and costly. New production/re-issue are a different story $60-$80 ea. or so
Once upon a time that was $73.20
Even last year GL was cheaper than PSVANE for 12au7 if my memory serves me right.
Those are the B749 vintage Gold Lions from the '60’s. Not all Lions are new.
So true. There was a point in time when they were made in England, not Russia, and they came in small sizes and big sizes too.
The KT88’s are sweet. Especially with a CJ!!!
They certainly were and just as nice with the 11A’s successor the Pr. 140. But it got to the point where having to sometimes manhandle an 85 lb. amp got to be a little too much for me so it was sold.
Sorry to derail the thread.
A few years ago there was quite a bit of discussion about possible benefits of using the 5 mA setting for 12AU7 type tubes vs. the default 4 mA setting in the BHK Preamp. But reading through hundreds of posts in this thread I haven’t found any recent discussion about this. Did a consensus develop that there was no benefit to that or …?
Welcome to the community @pinwa
BHK Preamp Bias - Audio Components / Preamplifiers - PS Audio
You can also use the search magnifying glass. There are other threads that discuss bias voltage side by side with other topics such as tube rolling.
I did try a variety of search terms without getting any helpful results.
I find using Google to search the site to be ore effective.
The format is, for example: “bias voltage”
The Google is the way.
The late venrable BHK said " The intent of the bias or tube operating switch was to allow for the use of the 12AU7 and the 6922 family of tubes. For the 6922 types, the current was set for 5 mA and for the 12AU7, 4 mA."
I tried 5mA with 12AU7, and it gave more of everything, but after two tracks, I felt tired, nervous, and wanted to turn the system off. You can try for yourself and see which one sounds better in your system.
Agree, the 5ma is just a bit more “in your face” from a soundstage with 12v; I preferred the 4ma setting with them.
Thanks. That actually doesn’t result in anything helpful but I was happy to learn that you could restrict a google search to a specific site.