BHK Signature Preamplifier XLR Outputs for Amp and Subwoofer

[So I received the transformer today. There is no cable that comes with the transformer.

I would like to hook this up in stereo so basically a cable or wire going from each of the BHK Monoamp to the 1 JL Audio f113 subwoofer.

So do I use a REL 3 Wire Sub Speaker Cable. Neutrik Speakon to Spade end from each mono amp or just a plain wire from the 300’s to the terminals in the back of the transformer?

I don’t know the REL 3 wire but from a quick search it appears the black goes to one BHK negative output, the yellow to the positive and the red to the positive of the other BHK.

Then a single stereo XLR to the f113.

I would contact Jensen to confirm as I don’t have experience with that sub nor the REL 3 wire.

Jensen has a channel summing model that is probably more appropriate if you want stereo into one sub that only has one input. I would just go with one channel. Frequencies in the sub region don’t enough L/R difference for us to be able to hear anyway.

Thanks Brett… I’ll attempt to reach out to Jensen.

The Jensen SP-2SX requires a 2-pole neutrik cable connector. I found two sources for cables that work great with the BHK amps. I personally went with the Benchmark cable because of their superior quality. Hope this helps.

It does help! Thanks! :sunglasses:

I’ll assume the Benchmark banana’s will fit into my 300’s? :sunglasses:

since it’s a passive device…what is the % of signal loss associated with it’s use?

I don’t know, but I did have to go to the least sensitive setting to keep my subs in balance. I also use them for HT so I didn’t want to have to adjust the gain on them much or at all if possible.

If there is insertion loss it’s a trivial amount.

I just hooked up the Jensen SP-2SX to both BHK 300’s and the left and right XLR inputs of the JL Audio f113 subwoofer using the Benchmark cables recommended by DM56.

The f113 sounds so much better. I had to backoff the level a bit. There’s more punch and better control of the sub. But more importantly it integrates well with my speakers.

Thanks to all for the help.

Hi @jamesh & @Elk

BHK preamp XLR output: which wire is the hot terminal please? Thank you.

Pin 2 is hot/positive

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Thank you very much.

By the way, this is the connector with male pins, positive is on the upper right as you are looking at the output. Often they pins are labeled, although the molded in labels can be a bit hard to read.

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Much appreciated. I intend to test a Luxman power amp. Their default is 3 for hot (+), but provide a switch to invert it.

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Interesting. This is the old pin standard in the States.

Have fun!

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