Beef, if I am understanding correctly, the OP is doing the conversion to DSD during the ripping process. This is the first time I have heard of anyone doing it this way. It is not unusual for people to do a conversion during playback. This is something new, to me, I wouldn’t do it, preferring to rip bit perfect, and let my DAC do the converting. The Lindemann does not do DSD, so I do have JRiver converting those DSD files to 24/176, and they sound very good. But I certainly wouldn’t convert them to PCM, replacing the original format. If I ever go from being broke to buying a new DAC, it will be DSD capable.
The OP may be on to something, it is certainly different.
Elk, I should have said an external transport using the same current, as the 5v it is pulling from USB. Those USB transports, the three I have experience with are all quite flimsy. Then it has to run a motor to spin the disc, operate the laser, and control it’s sled. I just looked at the Buffalo Melco recommends, it is pricey compared to the other USB drives, but it is what I would buy, if I could. I looked, it runs on 12v, see link.
Ted, you are either lucky, or with your skills, you have optimised those USB drives. When the internal drive quit working, I checked the drivers, and in properties, it claimed it was working, but I forget, I had problems with one doing burns, and one quit reading, so ripping was out. If I have to replace the Lenovo, I found a site that tested a bunch, and recommends the LG.
Here is the Buffalo I would like to have: