Hi, I’m hoping the PS Audio community can help me with some questions on a Direct Stream MKii and volume / gain control.
My set up is a Lumin U2 mini feeding the MKii which feeds either a BHK Pre or a Coda 07x Pre. Amp is a Krell Duo 300XD, speakers are Alta Audio Alec’s.
My question is how do I access the gain control on the MKii? The manual says there is an option to adjust, refers you back to quick set up but I can’t find anything that says how to actually access / adjust the gain. The Krell is sensitive, the gain is a little too high for the BHK, Coda is a better match but it’s still a bit too high. I have tried adjusting the volume on the MKii but that’s a bit different than actually adjusting the gain. With the Coda, even in zero volume, you can hear music, that goes away when I go from 100 volume to 65. I want to try to adjust the actual gain on the DAC to see if that matched better.
Anyone have experience adjusting the gain? I should mention it’s a fully balanced set up, that’s what both PS and Krell recommend for the DAC and Amp, it’s definitely how the Krell sounds best.
There are no “gain” adjustments on the MkII. I just checked the manual (PDF online) and the only mentions of “gain” that you can manipulate are for balance control, which really is about “level” rather than “gain”. In actuality it’s just reducing the output level on one channel more than on the other, using the exact same method that the DAC’s volume control uses.
Sorry to be blunt, but your amp and speakers are the problem here – you have way too much power and gain in the amp (550W into 4ohm, 26.5dB) for such sensitive speakers (93dB/W@1m, 4ohm).
With those speakers you’d probably find an easier match with a tube power amp. Doesn’t have to be a class A monster, just something really clean with a good 20W or so into 4ohm would be heaps. Tube amps tend to have much less gain, providing a better bridge between your other components.
Solid State amps tend to be up in that 26-30dB gain range which is what is causing you grief with those speakers.
Of course, you could try other speakers that are less sensitive and higher impedance. Get down to the more common 86-88-ish dB/W and 8ohm impedance and your electronics will make more sense.
Thanks for taking the time to look at the manual, my gear and specs. You’re right about the Amp, it is more sensitive than other amps I’ve had when it comes to gain, synergy between sources.
Before I settled on the Krell, I was lucky enough to have owned a Primaluna 400 Evo Integrated, Coda CSiB Integrated and a local dealer let me audition a Krell 300i Integrated, Krell 300xd paired with a Krell Illusions ii Pre. So I got to A/B all the gear with the Alta’s prior to settling on the Krell Amp / Pre separates. That combo pairs really well, Alta Audio and Krell paired together at shows with that specific speaker / amp / pre combo. I also got to talk with the CEO at Alta Audio and COO at Krell about the pairing, both spoke very highly of how well they paired. I also owned a Parasound A21 that I had previously paired to the Alta’s and there were no issues on gain / match. That said, what I’m now learning is the Krell Pre was likely designed to match the gain / voltage to the Krell amp in a way that most gear doesn’t. I didn’t have the miss match on gain with the Krell pre but that would make sense, Krell would know how to design the Pre to have synergy with the their Amp across a broad spectrum of speakers / sources.
As crazy as it sounds, I hadn’t really thought about replacing the Amp, I think it’s a fantastic Amp, I’ve focused on the sources before the Amp to find a better match. Unfortunately the Krell Pre was solid, dead quiet, it had perfect synergy between sources and the amp but it wasn’t special and for the $$ I struggled with it being very good but not great. That’s what lead me to try various pre’s.
Thanks again for the time and the response! Has me thinking, my wheels spinning on a different direction. For now I’ll play around with attenuates I have and the volume setting on the MKii.
I would probably start with them between the Lumin and the DAC and work my way forward in the chain to see where they give you the best effect. I ordered my pair to go on the source side but the standard ones are for the input side. I’ve tried them in all of the locations but have only ever had to use them with high gain tube preamps not SS gear.