audiobill said
Looking forward to the RUSTy crowdsourcing next!
No crowd-sourcing anticipated nor desired. RUSTy makes no promises (at this stage) nor do we need or seek additional venture capital. RUSTy will succeed or fail on its own merits without harming a single investor. It is the very definition of a closely held corporation. Once opened up to general public shares, transparency, stock holders meetings. quarterly filings all become necessary. The hell with that.
Now, just suppose we come up with something truly remarkable and we freeze the design? As unlikely as that may seem or actually be…well, just think of the better mousetrap homily. A perfect example is Lukas at Lampizator. What started off as boutique one-off that was a constantly changing unit is now a semi-frozen design. The L7 will mark the beginning of an actual definable model with set circuits and populations.
What would happen, after sending finished units to Betas & Community Leaders, they are blown away? Suppose that the Silver Level modified DS becomes a success at Newport Beach. Should RUSTy then say, “Sorry, 5 units only.”
Moreover, in the event the Silver Level DS takes off, PSA could just follow the ARC system and release an SE version - RUSTy would be done. When I was contemplating raising my ARC Phono 2 to the SE level, the cost was over $4000.00 - keep in mind that I already owned a 1 year old Phono 2! That would have made my total ARC Phono 2 SE investment over $14,000.00.
You know, it is not as though we sent a DS to China and told them to reverse-engineer something somewhat different and sell it for $999.00. From my experience in cable building, I know sources that do just that - so does everybody in the business - it’s no big secret. I would be surprised if that is not taking place on some level as I write this.
It is our money - our brawn. There are 3 possibilities> 1) Complete failure (worse than stock), 2) Major success, 3) No significant change.
The OP was simply to assess any interest. Clearly there is little to none. Yet, we forge ahead.
Until I have an announcement as to exhibit room number I will be on hiatus from the Forum. Hopefully see you at Newport Beach this June!