DirectStream Modifications

Shiloh the Golden Retreiver said RUSTy is just a few chaps spending some time and money while having fun. There is nothing here to get your panties in a twist about.
No maladjusted clothing pieces here.

I will note however it is odd it took multiple inquiries just to find out anything about who will be offering an expensive modification to an already superbly engineered product. And we still do not know who they are, but we now have some generic descriptions. :)

audiobill said IMO, all this will do is discredit Paul and Ted's work, suggesting that a stock DS is inadequate.

But soldier on, attempting to profit on their work.


I disagree. What it will prove is that a superbly designed piece of production audio equipment can be changed and hopefully improved by throwing wads of money and some carefully considered hardware changes at it. ANY production equipment contains compromises and Ted and Paul are the first to admit this is true of the DirectStream DAC. Many of these compromises are based on controlling production cost and sales price. This is even true of “Money is no object” equipment that sells for ridiculous amounts of money. Very few of these are truly Money is no object.

What I think that this will prove is that the DirectStream DAC IS superbly designed with carefully considered compromises that ultimately have only a small impact on the sound of the product. It will also prove that PS Audio is selling is a top level unit of high value, particularly for the cost.


Elk No maladjusted clothing pieces here.

I will note however it is odd it took multiple inquiries just to find out anything about who will be offering an expensive modification to an already superbly engineered product. And we still do not know who they are, but we now have some generic descriptions. :)

What would you do if you had the names? Unless you attend NSO concerts on a regular basis, get Lobbyed on Capitol Hill, or attend classes at GWU, their names would mean nothing. Notwithstanding, be at Newport Beach and shake hands with RUSTy. I bet there will be a nice bottle of single-malt under the table. A speaker manufacturer is giving us space in his room. I'll keep you posted.

And as for making a profit “audiobill”, I cannot imagine that will ever happen. The cost to customer would be higher than the AudioGon discounted DS prices. I wonder if you hold the same opinion of Mod-Wright, Musical Concepts, Upscale, Rick Cullen, and Audio Classics, et al? Those companies make or made a profit - something the RUSTy group will never see. Think of the venture as a tax-deductible way to have some fun. No one will be hurt - least of all PSA. My guess? RUSTy will make 5 Silver Level units: 4 will go to the RUSTy chaps and one out to the Betas, Community Leaders, and John Elison to play with. There will be no Kickstarter offering and I really do not think any of us want to work that hard.

Think winter fun. We are not trying to slaughter the Sacred Cow.


I think it boils down to how legitimate and serious/professional this initiative really is or if it is some kind of a risky DIY experiment in a basement founded barely on enthusiasm and try & fail…

At least this is how I see it (without taking any position if this harm PS Audio business or not).


So far, this appears to solely be a vanity operation with the purpose of taking advantage of the tax code to finance one’s hobby. This is not “we are in the planning stages of . . .” but, rather, I am a hobbyist with a soldering iron - watch this! “But it is for sale, really it is.”

Shiloh the Golden Retreiver said

I wonder if you hold the same opinion of Mod-Wright, Musical Concepts, Upscale, Rick Cullen, and Audio Classics, et al?

Very differently. They all tell us who they are, have legitimate engineering chops, run an actual disclosed business, etc.

No smoke and mirrors, straight forward, transparent.

I remain curious as to whether you realize any actual improvement of the product. This is perfectly possible. I just find the posturing silly.

Well, this is, afterall, an open and PSA oriented forum. What better place to share the project info.

While I do find the commercial offering of product rather premature, I also think that our schepticism and questions can be contributed in a way that does not alienate a product owner and fellow forum member. IE: let’s not burn someone at the stake for suggesting that the earth might NOT be flat.

If however, a major “improvement” is discovered by someone who risks canabalizing their own unit, then the sharing of that info certainly is appropriate, interesting and helpful.

As for credentials, Ed Meitner began his career as a home-bred tweaker and suffered some serious critizisms from the mainstream market. Thankfully his most demonstrative finger was strong and healthy.

This seems like a case of “how the info was shared” rather than the project itself.

For those of us who believe in evolution, it does not occur while sitting on status quo. It happens when we reach out beyond our present paradigms.

Don’t forget to have fun.

Looking forward to the RUSTy crowdsourcing next!

audiobill said Looking forward to the RUSTy crowdsourcing next!
No crowd-sourcing anticipated nor desired. RUSTy makes no promises (at this stage) nor do we need or seek additional venture capital. RUSTy will succeed or fail on its own merits without harming a single investor. It is the very definition of a closely held corporation. Once opened up to general public shares, transparency, stock holders meetings. quarterly filings all become necessary. The hell with that.

Now, just suppose we come up with something truly remarkable and we freeze the design? As unlikely as that may seem or actually be…well, just think of the better mousetrap homily. A perfect example is Lukas at Lampizator. What started off as boutique one-off that was a constantly changing unit is now a semi-frozen design. The L7 will mark the beginning of an actual definable model with set circuits and populations.

What would happen, after sending finished units to Betas & Community Leaders, they are blown away? Suppose that the Silver Level modified DS becomes a success at Newport Beach. Should RUSTy then say, “Sorry, 5 units only.”

Moreover, in the event the Silver Level DS takes off, PSA could just follow the ARC system and release an SE version - RUSTy would be done. When I was contemplating raising my ARC Phono 2 to the SE level, the cost was over $4000.00 - keep in mind that I already owned a 1 year old Phono 2! That would have made my total ARC Phono 2 SE investment over $14,000.00.

You know, it is not as though we sent a DS to China and told them to reverse-engineer something somewhat different and sell it for $999.00. From my experience in cable building, I know sources that do just that - so does everybody in the business - it’s no big secret. I would be surprised if that is not taking place on some level as I write this.

It is our money - our brawn. There are 3 possibilities> 1) Complete failure (worse than stock), 2) Major success, 3) No significant change.

The OP was simply to assess any interest. Clearly there is little to none. Yet, we forge ahead.

Until I have an announcement as to exhibit room number I will be on hiatus from the Forum. Hopefully see you at Newport Beach this June!

Just out of curiosity: has your team modified other gear and, if so, would you care to mention which gear?

why did you start with that particular mod?

“Offshore Sailing” no doubt.

Shiloh the Golden Retreiver said

No crowd-sourcing anticipated nor desired. RUSTy makes no promises (at this stage) nor do we need or seek additional venture capital. RUSTy will succeed or fail on its own merits without harming a single investor. It is the very definition of a closely held corporation. Once opened up to general public shares, transparency, stock holders meetings. quarterly filings all become necessary. The hell with that.

I think it is great that you are interested in doing this. I think it is foolish to think that the design is finished and as good as it can be. Just simple things like upgrading the internal wiring, adding a high end fuse, and installing some Still points can make a huge difference.
Is the new transformer the power transformer? Have you give any other thoughts to the Power Supply? As Paul has mentioned numerous times that the Power supply is critical component of audio gear.
I will see you in Newport beach and hope to be beta tester.
Cheers magiknow
audiobill said "Offshore Sailing" no doubt.

FedEx Track - Trannies set to arrive Friday.

I hope you mean transistors.

I think he’s referring to transformers.

I believe he meant transvestites.

I think maybe he’s confused…

audio.bill said I think he's referring to transformers.
erikm said I think maybe he's confused..
Belay that

FedEx Track Update: Box of silver transformers scheduled for delivery at shop today Friday 10/10. Jupiter caps & Vishay resistors delivery on Tuesday 10/14. Furutech IEC’s I already have in stock.

The journey begins. Hope to have first Silver Edition completed for testing by Friday 10/17.