If it does it would be nice to know if the improvements are as much as with DSDac.



The DMP will work with any DAC. What it won’t do, however, is send the DSD data from a SACD to any DAC, other than the DS and DS Jr. I’m sure the DMP would be a great CD player, but keep in mind there will be a bunch of used PWTs coming up for sale soon. That would be a real nice CD player for about a third the price (albeit, a used one).

brent said If it does it would be nice to know if the improvements are as much as with DSDac.



Brent, in my beta testing experience, while the PWD Mk II shows some benefit from a pairing with the DMP (over combination with the PWT), the degree of improvement is not remotely in the same league as it is with the DMP/DSD. And this is with redbook CDs. Pmotz is correct that the PWD Mk II won’t allow anyone to hear DSD content from SACD media.

Thanks Rob. I am trying to figure out if I should up grade the PWD MK 11 to DSD or get the DMP. Which would be the greater improvement? I want the whole enchalata DMP/DSD but have to pace myself.


Brent, go with the DSD first. And consider adding a Bridge II to tide you over. While I haven’t gone that route yet, many who are testing the DMP right now are claiming that recordings over the Bridge II are within a hair of the quality of the new player. It would cost you a lot less, too.

Oh, and to help inform your purchases a little more, the DSD by itself (i.e., without a Bridge II and everything else you’d need for that) wouldn’t quite get you halfway to the magic of the DSD-plus-DMP. At least not in my opinion. There’s a special synergy there between the latter two; both are needed to tango.

Once again, though, the DSD-plus-Bridge II might get you close enough… Or consider waiting for a Bridge III, which some members here have speculated could follow from lessons learned from coming up with the DMP…

I would not wait for a Bridge III. There has been nothing from PSA to indicate one is in the works.

brent said If it does it would be nice to know if the improvements are as much as with DSDac.



I have to admit quite a fascination here. I have gone back many times in the past month to the PWD with the DMP, and there is no doubt about it that the DMP requires the DSD to sound very special.

I will also even go so far to say that the DSD requires the DMP to really excel!

Rob, thanks for taking the time and going in the direction I was questioning. I will definitely get the DS dac first as that seems to be the most improvement for the money.
