GIK Acoustic Sound Block Stackpacks?

Has anyone used these GIK Stackpacks? I live in an apartment so would rather not drill and hang things all over the place. These are freestanding/moveable so are a pretty attractive option:


I’ve not used these specifically, but the image you shared looks to be similar to the free standing 242 panels I do have with the addition of familiar pattern diffuser panels. I see the GIK site also has free standing blocks to trap to lower frequencies.
In general I found treatments to have a negligible discernible or measured difference in my system as it relates to FR and decay. But I’ve also come to learn than my room is pretty dead and the open baffle speakers don’t excite to room. My only measured FR concern are a couple of LF room modes and suck outs that the thinner treatments aren’t going to impact. If only I’d measured my room BEFORE buying treatments…
There are measurable differences in phase response but it’s not a difference I can discern. But quite honestly the topic of phase relationship measured across the spectrum remains a bit of a mystery to me.
The free standing panels are shown in the corner of the rear wall. They were purchased with the intent of providing some symmetry in my asymmetric space. All they do now is collect dust and get in the way when vacuuming the room.

Thank you for the detailed feedback. I hear about treating rooms so much, I wanted to dive into this, but my system sounds pretty good in my space, a space that isn’t ideal either.