Guess the peak name - DS, DSjr

Any guesses as to the new name? I vote for Mt. Massive.

I think they should call it Ted. Would be well deserved recognition of all his hard work.

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I vote for Pyramid Peak. (Ted has indicated that the lower sampling frequencies, e.g., 44.1k and 48k, benefit the most from the new SRC algorithm in the upcoming OS. A pyramid is at its strongest at the base level.)

A very good functional guess. I’m hoping that it will match HQPe which I use to upsample to 192khz (limit of my board) to DS. Jussi’s filters are sublime, Ted’s is nice too but compared side by side on many types of tracks, I still prefer Jussi’s. Perhaps this will change with 44.1k and 48k content.

Well, he already has one named after him - the Ted Smith Signature (TSS) DAC coming to a neighborhood near you in 2019.

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The name must stand out…

Las Gemelas

Bruce in Philly

Hopefully it’s not Quandary Peak


Excellent choice. It is part of the Elk Mountains.

I would be amused with Conundrum Peak, also part of the Elk Mountains.


I’m guessing Harvard but Vermillion would be cool!

I wonder what prize PS Audio will award to the winning guesser? The anticipation is more than I can bear.

Free TSS, of course!

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Looks like you win!

Even if a year late :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hah! We just saw this movie again and Brad Pit’s acting is extraordinary in this. I loved his character.

It really is! I might have to revise this movie again myself :popcorn: :movie_camera:

@Paul I am not sure if you are aware, but @brett66 and I determined back in October what the winning prize for this naming competition was going to be… I prefer a black case. :wink:

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Looking forward to yhe Windom Release.

I can’t believe they went with “Windom”. “RonP” would have been soooo much nicer.

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Rumor has it they are saving the “RonP” firmware release for the Obsidian TSS Roll-out. :roll_eyes:

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