Happy Birthday to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! (one day late, sorry Mozart)

Among his hundreds of compositions, Mozart wrote 50 symphonies, 25 piano concertos and 21 opera and theatrical works throughout his short 35 years.

Trivia: Ludwig Van Beethoven wanted study under Mozart. Beethoven travelled to Vienna t. o study under the composer but had to return home after his mother fell ill. When Beethoven was able to return again in 1792, Mozart had passed away.


Kid was one of those Conduits from Heaven :dizzy:


Mo was my favorite

Peter Salomon invited both Haydn and Mozart to come to London in 1790. Mozart planned to go but Constanze was pregnant, so only Haydn went . Before his departure Salomon, Mozart and Haydn had dinner. Mozart said to Haydn “Papa , you can’t go to London you don’t their language.” Haydn famously replied , “My language is understood all over the world.” They hugged farewell and never saw each other again . When Haydn passed 18 years later, Mozart’s Requiem was performed at his funeral.