Hifi Pet Peeves

Are you criticizing mid and rear engine cars? ha ha ha

You are spot on. I got my kids interested in good music and also good recordings of the music they like. After they had been enjoying their music on the iphones, laptops and desktop systems, I had each of them to sit and listen on my room.

Best reaction was my daughter crying listening to T Swift and bringing her girlfriends over to listen. They had been to the concert a week before.

My daughter now listens to my secondary system (now in her room) - Aerial 8b, Modwright Oppo, Aragon amp and my old Lexicon pre.

My son asked for fancy headphones for college and now wants a “high end” music player.


To all those mid and rear engine car lovers. I meant no disrespect.
Mrcandude cares.

Good on ya for showing them the light.
Or, more to the point, letting them hear the light.

They can be lead to the water. Hopefully they will drink.


Pet peeve, high on my list: When folks come to your house or a show or demo, who can’t shut up and do what we came for which is to listen.


The music is always the reason. I think too many people say they listen to music but they really don’t.


The evidence is in plain sight.

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Wouldn’t that just change everything :slight_smile:

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This. A big reason why I’m so glad to finally have a dedicated sound room. When I had my meet a week ago most of the blabbering was in the great room, which is far enough away from the sound room that it was only a minor annoyance. Over the course of the afternoon there was only a sentence or two of interruption in the actual sound room.


What comes out of their iPhones as disintegrated compressed MP3 sounds really great to them. I used to listen to all the high watt AM stations like WLS and KAAY, etc on my solid state Zenith clock radio and I was still moved but I knew there was better and I’m still finding it! Like the pediatrician told us about by our son’s posture supposedly/attributed to from years of competitive swimming…Well, you’re not going to talk him out of it.

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I say enjoy what you have, a gateway to another reality.



The distractions are what make life fun!


What does that add to Hi Fi Pet Peeves - nothing.
Just another spurious post to read to get to something meaningful.

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I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did :rofl:

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Your number one is also on my list.

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Maybe Phil’s 2nd cousin twice removed…

The Audiophile who has heard every component ever made and has an opinion on every one


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I started on this hobby when I was 16. Now I’m 69.


I’ll be 68 in a few weeks. Similar start point.

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Youngster. Similar start and age as well.


Yet they have to be interested in music that high quality reproduction enhances. Contemporary pop is not that.

I occasionally go to Panera for a sandwich, and the contemporary pop music they play nearly sickens me. In the past two visits, I only heard two songs that didn’t. Young American by David Bowie and something by Bob Marley. The rest was putrid, artificial, performed entirely by computers and Autotune.

Weep for the culture.


Keep the faith. Show the way.
They need to start the journey somewhere.
@ErVikingo’s daughter cried when hearing T Swift on a good system.


My experience at the First Watch restaurant chain as well…