Hifi Pet Peeves

My hifi pet peeve, and I thought this train of thinking finally died 20 years ago, is people who think that electronic isn’t “real music” or worthy of a high fidelity system.

Your lack of appreciation or understanding doesn’t invalidate it as an art form. There’s plenty of room in the world for both acoustic & electronic instruments, not to mention artists who seamlessly blend the two.

Kids these days and their damn electrical guitars, smh. The truest representation of a hifi system’s performance is the ability to faithfully reproduce field recordings.


Can’t agree with that - there is well recorded/produced music that both benefits from hifi and impresses when tried to be found in pretty much any genre - when I was a teenager I was told I didn’t need a hifi as I was only listening to pop and rock music, and high fidelity was only required for “proper” (ie classical) music.
They were wrong :slight_smile:


They were very wrong for sure!! I remember folks telling me anything that uses electricity can not be a musical instrument. You know, the type of people that think rock is the Devil’s music and if you have long hair you must be on drugs.


Oh you met my parents then :smiley: