Worth a try because there’s that clean but sterile studio sound and live recordings. I would put live recordings in two categories:
Music + room acoustic
Music + audience
With regard to the former, the modern take usually excludes the audience, the main benefit seems to be a more fluent performance, sometimes one take, other times edited from two or more performances.
Music + audience seems to have gone out of fashion, but are great toe tappers. Here are two I’ve bought recently, both very worthwhile.
Only listening on my iMac speakers, but this recording is still a lot of fun and piquing my interest.
Right you are about her voice. Going to have to do some further listening now and see if enjoy her arrangements and vocalizations overall. (For example, “Black Bird” was a bit “much”.)
This is something I really enjoy about this community and having Roon along with Tidal and Qobuz subscriptions. Someone makes a recommendation and I have nearly instant access to try it out.