How should the dip switches on the Matrix be set to be able to pass native dsd? Using Roon and I can only get the blue light on the Matrix to glow, which supposedly indicates dsd over dop. Also, do you need to power off the Matrix before changing the dip switches? I have been doing that, but not sure if it is necessary.
I had the middle switch down others up. I think blue means DSD source. I only used it for native. To get DoP I needed to go usb direct to go DoP into the DSD.
I had the same problem. All DSD was static via I2S from my Roon/Matrix combo. This had never happened before. All other data rates were fine. Direct from Roon USB was fine.
After all kinds of switching and swapping (including buying a new Matrix that did the same thing) I finally found something that worked for me. In Roon, go to Settings->Audio->Select your matrix, touch the gear symbol to the right and select Device setup. At the bottom of the device setup menu is a Resync Delay. I set mine to 5000ms saved and everything returned to normal.
I choose 5 sec because I am currently using a Holo May KTE and the PLL can take a couple of seconds to lock. Shorter delays may work as well.
Hope that helps and works for you.
I use matrix and jriver.
Which res 705 or 352?
Thanks, I’ll try that. I did up the delay but not by a longer increment.
In my system the Matrix never appears in the Roon playback chain. It never affected anything in the least. I upped the delay but it still fails with the DSD. I’m not convinced that the Mattix is failed as it gladly passes anything that isn’t DSD.
In my system with the Esoteric N-03T streamer, the Matrix passes native quad rate DSD beautifully with either the Lumin or Esoteric Sound Stream App. When I add the Farad Super 3 tricked out LPS powering the Matrix, the sound is unbelievable!!
My brother also gets native 256 DSD with his Sbooster powered Matrix on his Aurender N-10 on the Conductor App with excellent results. The light on the Matrix is white with native DSD. With I2S to the DSD, it’s really as good as it gets!!
Does anyone run the Matrix W/O power? I do. Am I missing something?
Can you are anyone tell me why a PSU is better than NO Power supply at all? Are features not on? Things not getting enough power?
Also I know what the Matrix does, USB → I2S. But why with PS Audio DACs is it better? Is there a post with tech. explanation? Clock etc…
Actually, it’s being powered by your 5V USB connection.
There are five hundred million posts in this thread that explain everything you just asked. We did years of research and development. And you think you can walk in, not read the historical documents and get simple answers?
It could work. But I’m keeping quiet even though I know the answers.
I guess Christmas is truly over.
I think that’s a good question. I bought a separate power supply for my matrix and never tried it without one. I’m going all sonore in my digital chain to keep things more straightforward (at least in my own head). I just ordered the ultra digital and a signature rendu. The ultra digital arrives Thursday so I’ll be powering it off the usb buss from my optical rendu until the signature rendu arrives.
But Happy Cake Day!
I have lots of experience with and without a power supply with my Matrix. I’ve tried various power supplies as well. I think the USB cable and the HDMI cable make more of a difference than the power supply. That’s not to say the power supply doesn’t have positive effects.
The first review I read the tester found poorer measurements when a variety of external power supplies were used. Fun.
And the new guy asked why do you need to convert or re-time a USB signal and turn it into an I2S output with the PS Audio DAC. The answer is because the PS Audio DSD DACs USB input isn’t anywhere close to the quality of its I2S input. Other people find this to be true with their off brand DACs.
So the short answer, get a Matrix like device, as now there are other options, and spend $2k on a Audioquest Dragon 48 HDMI cable and $2900 on a Stealth Audio USB cable. Then you can consider a $1500 power supply and maybe $500 or so on special feet.
There, it is still Christmas.
Well put, Al, except I found the Farad Super 3 quite a step up from the Sbooster LPS.
Speaking of Farad, I just thought, maybe it’s time to change the SR Orange fuse in it with a Beeswax or even a Purple one and see what happens.
Thats what I do. I use the Signature Rendu SE and it does power it. But I just did not know if the unit does not power all functionality that way. in my brain I say if it does, then why bother another piece of equipment at all like a PSU.
I can look up the why… figured I would ask… Search usually is not the best on these long lived forums. And I have read many of them. Nobody says WHY…they just say converts to I2S and its better. But I will search.
Guess I dont, as aangen ended up spilling the beans.
I found that when I used my Signature Rendu SE letting it power the Matrix via the USB cable was just fine. Plus it was simple. If that’s what you are using don’t rush to “solve it” by seeking the perfect power supply. I forgot to mention the perfect power supply needs a $4000 AC cable and a $750 low voltage cable between it and the Matrix. It’s a great opportunity to waste vast sums of money.
I recommend ignoring it in your setup. If you want I can send you power supplies to test and see what your ears tell you.
That is why I asked. I did not see any way adding something could improve. I understand if you have a better something that is there, but not adding. That usually only degrades. Would be interesting if high end DAC makers move to separate power supply boxes (some do now) and provide multiple outputs. Since its only a few volts, they should be able to power like 5 things with one good box.
I don’t believe the MKII version will require or benefit from these shenanigans. I think the MKI had better USB circuitry in the initial design but the bean counters nixed it. Not so in the MKII. And the guy who sells the much adored May DAC says none of that is necessary with his gear. I don’t use any of that with my Gryphon DAC. IMHO it’s a DSD MKI issue mostly.
And the Signature Rendu kicks serious booty.