I do wonder whether getting my signal to the second I2S input somehow might not be “better” than the Bridge though. I’ll have to ponder coming up with a way to give that a try that does not involve the use of a USB cable. (Did I mention I am prejudiced when it comes to USB as a means of transmitting music 1s and 0s?
Hi @scotte1 you may want to consider the device below out of the Netherlands. LAN>I2S. Rasberry Pi based device. Software can be configured for Roon, LMS, Volumio, etc:
I ditched my entire expensive usb chain (Sonore ultraRendu/Farad, Innuos Phoenix Re-clocker, Sablon cables, etc) for it into my Directstream DAC. Very reasonable price (around $1100). Sounds excellent into that DS I2S input. Far superior to the Bridge II card IMHO
Also found it far superior to my USB>Matrix X-SPDIF2 chain
I think you are hearing the benefit of removing your server from the physical path. Alex is a big believer in this and after much experimenting, I completely agree with him. In my system moving the server to a different room was very beneficial, removing the Bridge card and replacing it with a dedicated streamer was more beneficial, adding a Matrix to that mix made things even better.
I have an almost identical setup sans the Rune Core and the Dragon HDMI (Wireworld on mine). Agreed, it gives me great pleasure. So much so I feel a hankering to upgrade my speakers (KEF R1’s)
Thanks @nycenglish - I think this is the next direction I will take. I am also very interested in the Mano Ultra mkII (thank you, @fdemello !!). There is too much overlap in functions between my Roon Nucleus+ and the Auralic Aries G2 (no doubt it’s superior) to justify the Auralic.
@fdemello - did you try the WiFi version / setting of the Mano Ultra mkII?
I use a Sonore Signature Rendu SE Optical and despite the ridiculously long name is the best I’ve tried in my system. My server is a nice custom job which is located over 30 feet away and connected via wifi to my listening room Orbi->EtherRegen->optical to Sonore->USB to Matrix->i2S to DSD Snr to BHK Pre to Pass X350.5. It’s a menagerie of cabling and linear power supplies but it sounds nice to me.
Having said that, given the rat’s nest of cables and power supplies I’m quite tempted to replace everything with a nice integrated like a Gryphon but would still keep the Sonore.
I know what you mean about the rats nest. so many boxes and cables. I have the same setup except your Pre and Amp are a step above mine. (Parasound P7 and Krell KAV-2250). Friends just laugh at it, but man Sonore did it right.
@Philip_Gan I never tried the EtherREGEN to Bridge II, but I did try the Bridge II vs the Sonore Signature SE… no comparison.
Before buying the Sonore (and others before that), I used to run the EtherRegen into the Bridge II. In my system, the Sonore was way better than the Bridge II, as it should be given the cost differential.
I’m also considering the Mano ULTRA as it means I can avoid using USB on either my Innous Zen Mini Streamer or the DS Jnr DAC however…I have a few questions abput this product.
If I was to have the RJ45 Streamer out from my Innous > Mano, does this then render my very good Innous Streamer as just my ROON core?
Following on from Q1. does the mano act as a 2nd streamer or just being used to reclock, reduce jitter & convert to I2S?
@fdemello - High praise indeed. My angst has been whether to abandon the Matrix daisy chain which has much invested into it. If you abandoned your USB chain which included a Sonore UR, then I think that is where I see my direction taking.
I guess my reservations lie in the reported limits of DSD64 and 192kHz. I don’t expect that would be upgradeable.
Don’t discount what A good LPS with a decent AC Power cord and a DC power cord will do. Before you run. It is an investment but it does work. Depends on patience and budget. Do what works for you. Me, I am glad I stretched.
Thanks. I agree that every bit counts! I still plan to switch between the Matrix setup and Bridge II and see where I decide to settle. I have a SonicArt power cable from my P20 to a Farad Super3 with level 2 DC cable to my Matrix, and Dragon 48 HDMI. Maybe running the USB out of the Roon Nucleus is the weak link in my Matrix chain. I don’t think I’m up for adding a Sonore Signature Rendu to the daisy chain at AUD$6790 (Australia), though. I was shocked at how much difference pulling the USB out of my Roon Nucleus+ made when I used the Bridge II set up.
Hi Matt -
1 Yes. The Innuos in that situation is acting as the Core only. But it was Core only in your situation before where the PS DAC was the Roon Endpoint
2 The Mano acts as a Streamer/Roon Endpoint and converts Ethernet to I2S and/or SPDIF (you get 2 output choices) re-clocking it as it does that
Hi @Philip_Gan
I had the same reservations and talked to the guys at Magna HiFi about potential upgrades in the HDMI spec. They have no plans to do that at present
I don’t have a ton of DSD. And I’m not sure you will negatively be impacted by that 192/24 limitation in real world (listening). I wasn’t. Sounds excellent with my content (30k library/Qobuz)
The great thing about this device it only costs $1100 to find out for yourself. Not $5k or more
and powering it with a LPS it gets the ethernet from your EtherRegen . Then dumping UltraRendu USB into the Matrix which has the Dragon HDMI to the DS.
A couple of small 3M absorber squares to top of the matrix and stuck to top of UltraRendu and pulling the Bridge II. you will be asking what streaming noise