The problem is the clock signal in the usb cable induces into the 5v line.
Not sure I follow. I am not an engineer, but what does that mean? I have to hook up that USB cable no matter what. So how does using the power off that line change when I use an LPS? I may be missing something, but not sure.
The Matrix made a considerable improvement in my system going from USB to I2s in my DS. I have tried various external power supplies from the IFi, Sbooster, and Farad. They all improved the sound making the signal less noise and greater clarity, the Farad being the most resolution of them all. Then I put in the Nordost Valhalla 2 USB and the AQ Dragon 48 HDMI and the sound is simply magical!! Every little thing makes quite a difference. But if you’re happy with just the Matrix, then don’t bother and save your money.
Even the power cord powering the Farad LPS made a nice difference in sound, can you believe that?
When you plug in an external psu then the matrix disconnects the 5v supply from the usb cable (which is noisy due to other signal cables running along side the 5v line within the usb cable) any noise passes through the dac into your preamp and power amp, reducing resolution and affecting tonal balance.
Interesting point. I have a small green computer LPS. I may try that.
Some people get carried away and things get kind of expensive.
Ask me how I know.
Dont have to ask, I have read many of your posts… you are deep in the rabbit hole with the rest of us.
5489 comments since February 2019. I’m gonna guess that the Matrix went from design to production faster with less conversation.
My point? None at all. Carry on!
I agree Farad3 is exceptional - i have tried Cheap chinese LPS, Uptone LPS1.2 and Sbooster .
Farad is offering best SQ and also is least polluting surrounding components.
Has anyone had their matrix driver stop working between it and jriver?
FYI - the Mercury Streamer (at least according to the manual which is available on the webpage) is reversed from the PS “standard” (I know the term “standard” is pretty non sequitur).
I had mine stop between Sonore and DS DAC. I had to unplug both at same time even though the streamer read ok from web. it was very strange. but good since.
I think that is outdated. It is not same layout as
That’s interesting. The snip I looked at was from their own page:
They apparently have two version of the manual on their website?
It seems that way, maybe @mkelly6505 can give a definite answer on the Mercury and whether it would switch L/R channels when connect by I2S to a DSD.
Mercury underwent several stages of development and has now settled. There is a new Reference manual for mercury (no longer called CM4AES) that has the correct info. And the port does match the ps audio pinout.
I’ve been using the Matrix for a while between my ultraRendu and DS Sr via Roon . I ordinarily have the Matrix out of sight so I don’t watch the LED light on the front. As per Ted Smith suggestion I have the URendu set to deal with DSD via DoP. The matrix switches on the bottom of the unit are all in the off position. When nothing is playing on my system the Matrix lights up green. I now notice that when playing either PCM or DSD the Matrix lights up blue. Shouldn’t the Matrix stay green when playing PCM? Roon shows the source as PCM but the DS input is showing DoP. I’m afraid PCM is being converted to DSD before getting into the DS Sr. Can anyone advise/help me?
Mine stays green. What’s your roon signal path look like (supposing roon).
That’s what’s happening, I think. The conversions and modulation don’t need to be there. Signal path “Enhanced” indicates that you’re using DSP.