Michael Laudrup has been named Denmark's biggest sports name ever

DIF names the last 125 years’ biggest Danish sports name in the DR Concert Hall in Copenhagen, Saturday 16 October 2021

The movie about ML


I prefer his brother Brian, because he played (however briefly) at my beloved Chelsea :wink:

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A God-fearing player - A God

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Also, congratulations to Denmark on the brilliant WC Qualifying… though, are you sure you want to play in Qatar? Scandinavians in the desert? Maybe call Fifa and decline :wink:

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The King!

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Only our Royal House and Prime Minister can not stand the heat :sweat_smile: :wink:

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Thx Ajax :sunglasses: :wink:


Ajax almost always play well


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I come to Johan Cruijff Arena from time to time :hearts:

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Greatest Danish Chelsea player ever? Do you even know who he is? :wink:


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Yes! Nils Middleboe - first foreign player ever for Chelsea. Semi-pro - I think he was a lawyer or similar when not on the pitch

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1913 - crazy. Chelsea was only formed in 1905 - I thought he came a little later than that, maybe around the 1920s

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Christian Eriksen

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It has gone well for qualification - No one has scored against Denmark - The group does not have many strong teams. It’s the same in the other big team groups. I also wish your national team the best.

The wall

16 different goal scorers lol

Our little national team history begins in England - goal of

Allan Simonsen