Modding the DirectStream DAC MKI

The still points is just absorbing attenuation and porous cloth too it is possible no foil shield layer would give different affect jkrichards noticed. There are different versions of the 3M shields with absorber first then shield and shield followed by absorber It is also likely they all would have slight sound variations. Which is best would likely end up preference and or system dependent and how sensitive we as individuals are to those subtleties. It is fascinating to consider tuning possibilities.

Do you have a link to the order page of this 3M?
I think it’s easy to try if one is better than the other.

Here is the S version absorber before shield.

It appears the G version was obsoleted.


I used the “S” version everywhere. It’s seems to be the best version for our needs. The change was not subtle (Not in a good way) when I covered them transformers. I was like “where did the beautiful sound go”. The upgraded transformers are shielded already with silver coated copper foil. Maybe that has something to do with it??? Magnetic’s are sometimes puzzling. We have to rotate power transformers sometimes to get a lower noise floor.


Thanks much, ordered it and will compare.

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I ran the new output transformers for about 3 months prior to going the shielding and remote LPS. But I did Remote LPS and shielding and absorber in one mod.

The dreaded two changes at once so no way to gauge. what added or subtracted what. The net effect from both ai liked better.

Any means to describe specifics on how sound changed for you removing the output transformer shield? It Would be greatly appreciated. I know audio is hard to describe. Was it PRaT, muffling, rolled of highs, decreased mids, what was the magic you felt that returned. I know you mentioned beautiful highs.

I am on a power cable comparison ride right now. Going back snd forth usually settles what placement I like on which components . But what you think is best can differ after living with it so I do know where your coming from.

It would please us all to find out what you think. I admire the gusto in swapping all those pieces. My DS is buried in the bottom of my rack. I dread any cable, swaps, yet alone disconnect and cracking it open for internal tweaks.

Removing the two pieces over the transformers restored the sound.
With them in place the high frequency seemed to be attenuated and the stage became narrow.


Thanks for sharing. My coverage was a bit different in that I brought the absorber all the way down to analog board so you could not see output transformer leads going through the through holes in the board.

Hard to tell if it would sound different being completely encased.

I didn’t notice narrowing of soundstage after. But it was a double mod with external PS . I will see what Jazznut hears when he does a comparison to still points

I know I have heard many sound stage contractions and expansions from just cable changes or absorber used elsewhere since. Therefore I am not discounting your experience and do not doubt you.

Right now my sound stage is very expansive. But I won’t rule out trying your suggestion. You never know until you try these things what else might be possible.

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:slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


I won’t be placing anything near them transformers. I think it messes with the magnetic field in a bad way. I remember someone here removed the factory shield on the new transformers and it also had a negative effect. I am very happy with the sound I’m getting now. Maybe some would like the warmer narrower sound stage.
The sound reminded me of loading a moving coil cartridge too much.

Yes I recall the shield removal issue someone encountered.

I know that toroidal power transformers respond well to placement of Rf and EM absorber to catch magnetic flux field through half of the donut in my P20. Using AB7050HF on R core LPS it was detrimental if just placed above ar on one side.

For some reason I did not notice it on DS DAC output transformer. Sinning vinyl moving coul cartridges always had some appeal. plus my placement was full encasement not just top more of a MU metal box on 5 sides.

Excited to here what @jazznut finds in his trials.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

I think you rotate the inlet (Phase and Neutral). :upside_down_face:

Due to the layout I listen to the system with my back turned so it’s ok :upside_down_face:


thank you for the warning, i checked it over and over in assembly

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I did the same modification.
Do you hear a difference?

I’ve used the dac with the handbrake up until now. :slightly_smiling_face:

Call me crazy. But I hear difference in the high and detail after a week!?


Just received a sheet of 3M7050F-ND for my DSD mod, and just out of curiosity I placed the sheet on top of my SoTM sNH-10G ethernet switch, it did change the sound of my music, especially along the base notes which offer some more liveliness to the music. Never expected that.
Did the test a few times and I will leave the 3M7050 on the SoTM switch. Real bang for the buck product.


Relax, we’re normal among ourselves :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: