Modding the DirectStream DAC MKI

Thanks for the update Turbotk. I’m very happy you are enjoying the new Nickel Transformers. I know what you mean about getting out of the way and letting the music through.
Sounds like I need a pair of them power amps you have :smiley:

What a wonderful site.

Running all the transformers through the AP. and printing them out for you.


Very close. 97%
And that’s with our transformers in the MKII. :smile:


Jeff, does this mean you’ve finalized the optimization of the trannies for the MkII?

Getting very close. Sounds wise yes it’s sounding very good.

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JK, maybe a stupid question, but I don’t know about it…

For your transformer measurements you state 50 Ohm source impedance, 50k secondary load. Is this related to an assumed preamp input? And if so, how would results change if the preamp input has other values? Or is it about what’s assumed in front of the transformer?

These are standard values. We did both 50k and 10k measurements and they were the same.
These transformers will have no problem driving any standard preamp or amp and would not change the sound.

Ok thanks, so also the Lundahl’s measurements wouldn’t change with different values?

By the way, I asked and my cabling has less than 100pF, so it doesn’t add much to C704.

We only did sweeps of the LL1948 with 50k so I don’t know for sure.

Thanks…so this is the simulated preamp input impedance, right?

No. These are actual sweeps of the transformers with actual loads.
Here is what we do


I thought a load given to an electronic part in a measurement scenario is simulating a load that usually happens when music is played or equipment is connected. Sorry, I’m too far away, don’t want to stretch your patience.

There’d be so many interesting things to experience from measurements…like how does distortion or phase shift sound compared to none and from what degree on is it audible at all etc. You probably tried it even using the same transformer with different/no caps etc.

All of it effects the sound quality.

My son is the R&D expert. He knows what, how to measure and what changes to do to make it better.


Know anyone doing the mods in Tampa?

Anyone have experience with this modding company?

Yes. The guys behind this used to be on the Enlightened Audio Designs (EAD) engineering team. They did mods back in the day to my 7000 MkIII that definitely brought it up some notches - good as it was already. They also molded my EAD MC processor. Same result. I’d trust them with anything EAD, but I don’t know what else they may have experience doing.

I was thinking of possibly using them to do the transformer upgrade. Should be able to handle that.

Yeah, they shouldn’t have any problems with that.

Last night while comparing the DS to the MKII, I unplugged the USB shorting plugs. Wow… They make a huge difference in the DS with the nickel transformers. Way more than the Edcore’s and the LL1948. I’m assuming I can hear it more because the clarity the big nickel transformers have.
Not as much on the MKII however they do help.